Real Ending

45 4 2

Liz Jung

It took us a while to calm down and settle down

Jungkook and I made our way to my bedroom

As much as it was scary, we needed to nap

I dont think Jungkook has rested well when he was in that hell hole

Hobi and everyone else told us they will get rid of those cursed cards

I sat down on the bed and I let Jungkook lay on my lap

I only want to do this for a minute before we go sleep

I ran my finger gently through his hair

"Close your eyes and just control your breathing" I told him as I played with his hair

He followed the instructions

"Do you do this when you feel panicked?" His eyes still closed

"Yeah. It helps most of the time"

There was a little silence between us

"Hey Liz?"

I hummed in response

"I love you"

I grinned at his cuteness

He still looked very innocent

He suddenly smiled as his cheeks grew a little red

"I love you too" I leaned in to kiss his fore head
"You still look cute as a bunny"

I booped his nose

He opened his eyes and looked up to me

He pushed my head down delicately and my lips landed on his quickly

He smiled cheekily as he got up from my lap

He then laid down properly on the bed

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to cuddle

"I'll sleep better if youre beside me"

He yawned

I snuggled up closer to him

Not too long, I hear little tiny snores making me giggle

I sighed feeling content as I tried to sleep

But I just got too distracted letting my eyes explore his sleeping face

-week and a half later-

All 9 of us decided to go to the park, Yoongi decided to

As usual I kept looking up the sun

"Stop looking at it. Your sun is right here" Jungkook pointed at his face

Making me feel flustered

"Fine. I'll focus more on you" I cling to his arm

This definitely feels familiar, except it didnt exactly happen like this

But I had a feeling what was coming up

Yoongi and Hoseok went ahead of us

I held Jungkook's hand as I called out to the others

"Guys. Wait. I think I have a feeling" Everyone stopped walking and looked back

They started to gather around us

"I think Yoongi is proposing" I whispered making everyone nod

Ninika knew what I was talking about, and everyone was just taken back

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