11: Happy

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Liz Jung

I woke up especially early today to help out my grandma on the bakery today

I just think it would be a good bonding time with her.. and Taehyung

"Honey, will you preheat the oven to 375?" My grandma pointed at the oven while she kneaded the dough

I slowly made my way to the oven and preheated it

Then the chimes of the shop rang

"Will you take care of the front for today?"

"Alright. Call out to me when you need help, ok?" She focused on the dough but smiled

I went to the front and saw Jungkook

So early in the morning?

"What can I get you?" I avoided glances but smiled at him

Im starting to doubt myself.. I really dont know how to run a business

I had a major with Healthcare not business

He looked at the display for a moment

I just waited quietly but this is really awkward

Jeon Jungkook

I didnt expect for her to run the store today..

I visit the shop twice a day for breakfast and afternoon snack

This is a great way to start my morning! See Liz and think about her all day! Love my day.. Please note my sarcasm

"I would like 3 blueberry muffins, 4 raspberry thin cookies and 7 chocolate filled croissants" I looked at her right on the eyes and she looked away instantly

I felt my face heat up as I recounted my money

"Just a second"
She went to the back..

I tapped my foot as I waited

Please hurry up.. I dont wanna stay here anymore and see her longer

Liz Jung

"3 blueberry muffins, 4 raspberry thin cookies and 7 croissants" I repeated out loud as I carefully placed the orders in seperated trays

"That was Jungkook, right?" My grandma was fixing the counter top

"Yeah..." I continued what I was doing

"Smile, Lizzie" She continued and I just nodded showing her a smile

I went back to the front and handed him his pastries with a smile

"That's 2040" I kept my eyes on the money he handed me and placed it inside the cashier

"Thank you! Come back again" I finally looked up to him and waved goodbye

When will Taehyung arrive?

Jeon Jungkook

That smile.. It brings me pain

Come back again? Should I?

As got out of the bakery.. I noticed Taehyung walking towards the bakery

"Oh Hey Kookie! Is Liz in the bakery already?"

I didnt want to answer..

But I just nodded

"See you later!" He then ran into the bakery

Even though I wanted to stay with Liz.. I just went back home
I didnt want to bother them.. they seemed satisfied and happy

Liz Jung

As soon as Koo-

Jungkook left.. Taehyung went in with a smile

"Jagiii" He approached the counter

I scrunched my nose at him

"TaeeeTaeee" I cupped his cheeks and swayed

"How can I help?" His face was squishy and soft

"I think you can help halmeoni back in the kitchen"

"But I cant cook" He was pouting

I let go of his cheeks and lifted the wood trap door so he could get in the kitchen

"Halmeoni will tell you what to do.. If you think its just too complicated then call for me, kay?" I dragged him to the kitchen

"KayKay" He gave me a hug and a little kiss before he proceeded to help my halmeoni

Not even that long, he managed to get flour all over him

I just shook my head from his silliness

The chimes rang again

When I turned to see who it was..

It was Ninika
She approached the counter with a smile

"Hey! Can I a get triple chocolate cheesecake slice?"

"Sure thing! Please wait a moment"

Shes... Jungkook's girl.. isnt she? That same girl in the picture

Not that I care or anything.. I really dont

Plus why would it bother me? I really dont care for him anymore

"Triple chocolate slice" I said outloud as I approached the cheesecake aisle of the kitchen

I took out a slice and placed it carefully on the clear box

I went to the front amd handed her the cake

"That would be 1090"

She handed me the money
As I placed it in the cash register

"Do you think he will like this?"

Her eyes brought holes to my face

"P-pardon?" I lightly tilted my head to the left

"Jungkook, do you think he will like this for dessert?"

"I-I d-dont-"

"You should know.. Dont you know him at all?"

I gulped.. why is this making me so uneasy

I pursed my lips..

I know he likes chocolate but why cant I answer her?

"I.. I dont know him that well.. Sorry" I fakedly smiled at her
"We only just met.. But he did buy some chocolate filled croissants earlier.. So.. I would say so?"

"I see.." If her eyes could kill.. I would be dead by now

She then smiled as if nothing happened and turned around

"Thank you!" She went out of the store

Leaving my knees shaking and my hands sweating

Is this... how Im gonna slowly forget him?

Kim Ninika

I dont know if youre bluffing or not..

Are you.. perhaps trying to forget him?
Or you just really dont know

Why cant I read you? How hard are you really trying?

Are you trying to push your limits?

You should thank me, you know?

Im doing you a favor.. so give in..

My work is so difficult because of you..


Im gonna cut it short here :^)

I know its so short but things are about to happen


-LadyMax ❤

Butterfly Cards |Jeon JungkookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ