5: Act

47 4 7

Jeon Jungkook


"My Kookie! Im so happy to hear your voice again.. I cant wait to see you later this week!"

"I am NOT your Kookie.. Im not seeing you this week either"

I hate it.. why is she back again? She left me.. she left me for another man

Why would she come back?

She had the audacity.. THE AUDACITY TO COME BACK

Im over her but I dont want to see her at all

"Oh? Why not? Dont you miss me? I surely did"

"Ninika, we're done. Over. I dont want to go back"

"Please.. I know I was stupid-"

"Yeah you were.. and you still are"

"No, listen! I want you back.."

"I dont"


"Im not your Oppa"

"I still know things that you dont.."

Shes saying that again

"What do you know about me anyways!?" I spat.. she knows nothing..

I thought I found the one for me.. I thought I finally found my Miss Right

"One word.. Childhood"

When she said that word.. my head started to hurt

It felt like I was smacked by a hammer

"See you soon, my prince"

She dropped the call

I groaned in pain


"What do you know? Why do you know my childhood? Who are you to play around?"

Liz Jung

I laid in my bed dazed

I twisted and turned but all I thought about was Jungkook

Ah, Jungkook..

The cause of my pain and smiles

Now what?

He doesnt remember me at all..

Its been almost 11 years since we last seen eachother.. of course.. he wouldnt remember

I guess I wasnt as important to him as he was to me..

Liz! Stop with these thoughts!

Im sure he just hasnt realized yet...

"AARRGGG!!!" I groaned out in frustration

How do I act?

Do I act as if we never knew eachother?

Do I just... forget everything?

What about the promise?
The good times we had?
The memories we made?

Do I just.. throw it all away like garbage?

Maybe.. even though its painful

I should act like I never existed to him til now.. Its stupid that I keep acting like this

He doesnt remember.. so get over it!

Move on dammit!

But it hurts to pretend when you know..

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