23: Wake up

22 4 5

Liz Jung

I sprung out of the chair and my body landed on the floor

I tried catching my breath

It was as if I was holding it in for so long..
I almost forgot how to breathe again

My body shook
I felt like drowning
My eyes leaked tears

My head hurts

I groaned in pain as I tried my hardest to get up

My weak limp body took a moment to get ahold of itself

"Dammit.. I need to.. get up!"

I forced myself up and I used the chair as a guide

I need to get the hell up

Everyone is trapped in the dream world

Finally, I got up

I took the cards down with a swipe of my hand across the houses


They're not waking up..

"Ninika? Jungkook?" I kept repeating over and over

Both of them didnt wake up..

I shook Jungkook lightly as I held onto his shoulders

"Jungkook.. Jungkook.." I cried out

I broke down

"Wake up.. wake up.." I could hear my own sobs ring throughout the room

Im afraid.. no...

Im petrified

Why is he not waking up?

I looked back

"Ninika.. Ninika.. Wake up.. WAKE THE HELL UP!" I bursted out


Please wake up...

I felt cold

My knees dropped to the floor as I covered my face with my hand

What if they never wake up?

What if Jungkook never wakes up?

Or Hoseok?
Or Halmeoni?


That cant happen

I cant lose any of them

Please dont let them disappear

I cant lose anyone right now

Not Jungkook

I cant lose him



I felt something on my back
I looked back immediately


I didnt like her but I felt so relieved

"NINIKA!" I yelled out as I twisted my body just to hug her


I sobbed a lot

She rubbed my back for comfort

"Its ok.. I know that was scary.." she held my shoulder to push me back

"Im gonna go check the others.. especially Hoseok and Yoongi.." I sniffed as I wiped my tears away

She got up from her seat and ran out of the house

I looked at Jungkook with hope

Hope that he will wake up soon enough

I know he will

Of course he will

No doubt he will







I spent a good hour waiting for Jungkook.. I looked at him thinking any minute now he will wake up

Ninika came in the house with everyone

"Everyone seems to be ok.. Hoseok cried alot.. and by alot I mean... he couldve probably filled an entire swimming pool"
She told me with a smile

Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok all sat down on the living room

We saw Yoongi and Hoseok cuddle.. Mostly Yoongi tried comforting Hoseok

I felt guilt take over me

Taehyung and Jin hugged alot

Namjoon and Jimin sat down as they listened to music to calm themselves

I felt bad..

But all of that guilty feeling seems to disappear when I look back at Jungkook..


But all of the sudden.. I heard myself..

He wont wake up


Ninika tapped my shoulder

"It will be fine.. He will wake up soon.. I know it" She let off an assuring smile

But that all meant nothing

I want to see him wake up and tell me he's fine himself

I reached out for his hand..

It was cold

"J-jungkookie?.... W-wake up.." I called out for him

"P-please..." I was a stuttering mess

Ninika looked at me -who's shaking intensely-

"Whats wrong Liz? Why are you shaking?"

"....Jungkook's... hand..........."

I felt myself slowly black out

"...its.. cold.."

"WHAT!?" Ninika exclaimed, gathering everyone's attention

"Shh.. dont be..so loud.... Y-you'll interrupt his sle-"

I felt cold drops on my face

"Liz! Snap out of it! 'Lizabeth!" She shook me but I just looked at Jungkook's face slowly turn pale

His sunkissed skin slowly discolored itself

"ELIZABETH JUNG!" A painful burning sensation traveled on my cheek

"SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT DAMMIT!" I looked at her with shock

I let go of his cold hands gently

I looked back and forth at Jungkook, Ninika and everyone who was in shock

"J-jungkook..." I called out quietly

Everyone came in closer slowly

I reached out for Jungkook's pale face

"K-kookie??..." His face was cold...


I pulled him in for a tight hug

His body simply landed on mine

I dont want to believe it

I wont believe it

I didnt lose Jungkook

Thats not gonna happen

That didnt happen

Im not losing him

Im not losing..

Im not..



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