21: Explanation

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Liz Jung

"Ninika?" I felt my heart shake then drop

Hoseok, who has been crying, looked back and forth between the 'pilot' and us

I got all confused on why she was here... why was she piloting our plane?

How come I didnt know this?

She went down to the stairs

"I didnt know you would be here Jungkook" She approached us

I felt my self about to cry once again

"Why are you here Ninika? What are you doing here?" Jungkook gently pushed me behind him

His jaws clenched..

"Oh.. I was piloting Liz's plane. What's wrong with that?" She made eye contact with me as she slightly smirked

"You planned this, didnt you?"

"Yeah... The dream and everything" She giggled
"Atleast thank me. You've always wanted her back."

"Thank you? You played around with our goddamn emotions and you say we should thank you!? Are you crazy or are you plain stupid?"

"Eh... I was trying to help.. I mean.. I used these like you were supposed to"

My eyes widened up as well as Jungkook's

"WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT!?" I said out loud reaching out for it but she just pulled them farther

"Because you both have no clue how to use them? Duh."

She started to shuffle them around

"Use... them?" I muttered in confusion

All of the sudden, the butterflies in the middle glowed for a split second

I was slightly taken back

"Dream cards. These are dream cards."


We all arrived at my house and sat around the table.

We told Hobi to go to Yoongi and calm down for a little bit. I told him we would be fine..

"Now explain to us" Jungkook demanded

Ninika sighed, somewhat annoyed

"Damn... Chill.."

"I cant chill when you're literally hiding something from me. Again."

"It's not like we're together anymore." Her mentioning her relationship with Jungkook kind of stabs my heart

"Fine. Whatever."
She started to build up the cards with delicate touches
"These cards are called 'Dream Cards'. They can collect your inner thoughts and put them in a dream. Of course, you wont know if it would be a bad dream or not"

She stopped for a second, seeing the opportunity, I took it

"How did you have control over the dream then?"

"I mostly had control but the dream portrays your entirety, meaning your personality and past. In this case, your lies." She looked at me directly then went back to building up the cards
"As I was saying, I mostly had control but I cannot decide if it would be a sweet dream or a straight out nightmare. In our case, it was a mixture. The nightmare only happened towards the end."

"It all felt so real...." I whispered out subconsiously

"Ofcourse it did. It was a warning."

"You lost me. I just dont understand it at all." Jungkook crossed his brows

Ninika rolled her eyes

"Listen to me first. These cards essentially absorbed your most desired moment and played it all in your head. I, the host could control it. As you may know, I was in your dream. Correct?"

We both nodded, trying to listen carefully

"I have to play by the card's decision even if it's a nightmare, by rules I mean I cant turn it to a sweet dream. The original owners of these cards, plus the people who have touched it would be included in your dream. That explains why your friends-" she pointed to Jungkook then to me "-your cousin and your grandma was in your dream"

"If it was a nightmare.. then why did I get somewhat of a sweet dream?" I asked thinking about the moments I had with Taehyung

"That was Jungkook's fear talking. He was scared of someone being with you instead of him and ofcourse, Taehyung, the closest one to him played that part for him. Creating a ripple effect for him that exact moment but later on for you"

Im... still... confused

"Anyways, I wouldnt say you had a sweet moment since you were aware that you were lying to yourself but you declined to stop, creating your worse ending. You, Jungkook and Taehyung were the only people I couldnt fully control."

"You talk about us as if we were your pawns." I noticed Jungkook clench his fist tightly

"Because you were. Remember, I was the only who let this happen."

I can feel Jungkook tensing up

"I couldnt control you and Liz because of your awareness. Taehyung on the other hand was controlled by your fear. But as I said before, that dream was a warning. That could've happened if you both pushed that dream aside. But thanks to Liz's anxiety, that may have sounded wrong but that helped alot. Your anxiety-" She handed me a card

"-saved you from committing suicide. But ofcourse, I cant guarantee that the ending will be the true one. There was still a chance Jungkook couldve pulled you up and the nightmare suddenly makes a U-turn"

I looked at the card and it suddenly glowed for a second.

"It's hard to explain the cards in words. So when youre ready... place the card on top carefully. You'll understand then. If you want to everyone to wake up, Rip the card and tumble the house of cards immidiately."

"Wait!" I turned to Jungkook
"You couldve waken us up but you didnt... Why would you-"

"My reason, the warning." Ninika signaled me to place the card

With shaky fingers, I carefully placed the last card.

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