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Just another normal day in New Jersey. For Pete Wentz, at least. "C'mon! Go!" He angrily waits for a video of concert footage to load. He checks the clock.

It's almost time for school. He quickly puts on his pants & goes to the bathroom to put on eyeliner. His dad enters. "Dad! There's something called privacy!" Almost losing his voice. "We're men in this house. Pretend we're in the army." Joking around. "Ugh. When I get home... Can you please wear pants?!" Pete's dad was only wearing a shirt & boxers. "Ten-hut!"He doesn't look at Pete, actually acting like a soldier.

Pete puts on his jacket & gets his backpack. He opens the main door walking in the path to a bench then there's the school bus. He enters & takes a seat.


Pete steps onto the school grounds A.K.A what he calls, hell. Going to his locker, he suddenly sees Josh, Tyler & Gerard gossiping.

"So he was like, 'I'll only have sex with you if you beat me at pool.' Then, she lost at pool. DELIBERANTLY!" Josh said.

"That is so awesome." Tyler was a little disgusted.


"I mean slutty."

"Then she was all like-"

"I'M TELLING THE STORY GERARD!" Josh didn't want Gerard to continue the gossip.

Josh sees Pete looking at them, "Oh my god, he was like, getting on off that..." Pete runs but bumps into Andy, "Don't touch me weirdo!"

"Sorry, I was trying to get to my-" before finishing his sentence, Andy pushes him to a locker getting a sharpie out & writes on his backpack. Pete didn't check what it says. "If you wash that off, you're dead." Andy quickly runs to joe, "Joey, dude, what's up.". "I shouldn't say. But, these rumors about me." Joe laughs

Pete waits for something to happen. He suddenly sees a poster on the wall saying "Sign up for the After School Play". "People are gonna call me gay for that." He walks away from it. Then, there was his crush.

"Patrick..." He's distracted, going close to him. As he goes closer, Patrick disturbs him, "Excuse me, I think someone wrote 'Boyf' in your backpack.". Pete grabs it onto his arms. "I, uh..." He runs away from Patrick. "Oh shit, why did I do tha-" The bell rings & everyone quickly goes to their respective classes.

It's now lunch, he is sitting on his own. Until, "Mikey!" Pete's one & only best friend, wearing the same black hoodie everytime. "Pete, my buddy! How's it hanging? Let me tell you, that girl from 7/11 gave me a generous pour" Drinking his slushy

"Are you listening to that same song again are you?" Pete laughs noticing he has headphones on.

"It's ending, just wait... Ok." He takes it off, putting it around his shoulders, "How was class? You look like ass. What's up?"

Pete puts his backpack in the table & shows Mikey, "'Boyf' what does that even mean?"

Mikey turns to the other said, getting his backpack which says "riends". The word reveals to be "Boyfriends"

"I hate this school... Oh, I wrote Patrick a letter about how I feel."

"That's progress!"

"I tore it up & flushed it. That's still progress."

It's all good. I saw on Discovery, that humanity has stopped evolving."

"That's good...?"

"Evolution's 'Survival Of The Fittest' right? But now, because of technology, you don't have to be strong to survive. Which mean there's never been a better time in history to be a loser! So own it! Why try to be cool when you can be-"

"Signing up for the play." Pete wasn't looking at him. "I was about to say 'fanboying about band shit' but-"

"No, I mean. Look who is signing up for the play!" He points at Patrick writing his name on the sign up poster. Pete goes to the poster making sure no one sees him. He finally writes his name but as soon as he does, someone shouted, "GAY!" many people laughed. He walks back to Mikey in a sad face, then the bell rang. Mikey pats his shoulder going to their next class.

I'm never gonna be the cool guy,
I'm more the one who's left out
Of all the characters at school
I am not the one who the story's about
Why can't someone just help me out
& teach me how to thrive
Help me do more than survive



Since I can't find an act 2 script for Heathers, I'm gonna go on with this new story

Isn't Mikey as Michael weird lolololololololololololololololoololololoololololololololololol

Be More Chill: Emo Bands AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang