Nothing to Lose

552 19 7

"Yeah well i-We kinda have to he there soon you have no choice. Now common or we are going to be late."

Late for what it wasn't even that late it was around 8:30 in the afternoon. 

What could he be late for? I was going to ask him but I decided against it, because knowing Luke he would not tell me. He would just say its a surprise and keep walking. We got in the car and Luke decided to change it to the radio this time. I actually wished that he hadn't because I wanted to listen to him sing.

"Can you put demo thingy on again?" I asked looking out the window.

"You want to hear me sing don't you?" Luke had a cheeky smirk on his face. I kinda blushed and just nodded my head.

"Em, why are you blushing?" He said as he reached out to grab the CD demo and handed it to me.

"Its ok, its kinda cute" now it was his turn to blush. 

 We didnt say much after that. I inserted into the CD player. I changed it to third song on the demo because that was one of my favorites. I dont know why it was but it just was. It wasn't anything special. 

'Lifes a tangled web of cellphone calls

and hash tag i don't knows'

it sang. that was my favorite line from that song, it was also the first line. Life is a tangled web it full of ups and downs and all arounds, people are so fought up in today's technology that some of them forget to just take a step back and enjoy the view or even what they have.

'You are my getaway,

 you are my favorite place, 

we put the world away, 

we get so disconnected'

"Is this your favorite song?" Luke asked, not taking his eyes of the road.

"Yeah, I do. I really like this song Luke!" After that it became silent with the exception of the music playing.

I turned to face Luke just I dint say anything, I just stared it might sound creepy but that's what I was doing. I saw a smile creep on his face. He had noticed I was staring but he didn't say anything he just kept on driving.

I loved when he smiles because it would show his dimples. I though it was the cutest thing ever and Luke already knew I loved his dimples. Without realizing what I was doing a reached my hand and poked his dimple.

"Boop" I said as I removed my hand.Luke looked at me started to laugh.

"What was that for?" He asked turning his head a little and then looking back at the road.

" I donno! I really like this" I said poking his dimple again.

"Em stop you're going to make me loose my concentration" he said in between laughs. He then turned of the car and it was then when I noticed we were in a parking lot.

"So you brought me to a parking? Luke I've always wanted to come to one of these, how did you know?" I sarcastically said turning to face him once more.

"Yeah yeah very funny now common we don't want people to wait longer do we?" I looked at him with a confused look.

"People?" I said as we walked to one of the buildings around us.

We walked through the back entrance of one of the buildings. It wasn't as big as the other building and it wasn't as small either.

When we entered the building The boys were there and it looked like they were waiting for someone or something.

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