Going Home

440 15 2

Emma’s POV

I woke up with an extreme headache. I looked around the room and noticed I was not in mine, I was in…. a hospital. On a chair next the bed was a body, one that belonged to the boy that I knew too well, it was Luke.

He was sitting on the chair, which looked very uncomfortable if I do say so myself. His head was rested on the side bed. He was sleeping but I could tell bags under his eyes that he hadn’t slept a lot.

“Luke, Luke wake up” I whispered to him while I shook him slightly.

He groaned and it was at that moment I noticed that he was holding my hand.

“Emma let me sleep” he said in an annoyed voice before shooting his head up “EMMA!!!YOUR AWAKE!! OH MY GOSH IM SO HAPPY YOU ARE AWAKE”

He gave me a tight hug, it was like a 10 second hug, and then he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“Luke I was only out for a couple of hours” I told him before he let go of me.

“Um Em no you were not, um you were out for a two weeks! You have been in a comma for two weeks Emma”

What two weeks, that was impossible it didn’t feel like two weeks. It just felt like a few hours. I looked around the room to see if anyone else was in there.

“What exactly happened to me Luke” He was about to answer when I heard another voice.

“Luke has Emma woken up ye- EMMA!!” Calum yelled as he made his way to where I was laying down. He gave me a tight hug before giving me a peck on the lips.

“Im so so so so sorry Emma all of this was my fault. I should of not done what I did! I was an asshole just please please forgive me I will never ever do anything like this to hurt you” Calum begged as he grabbed both my hands into his and kissed them.

“Cal, its ok I guess I over reacted also. Its fine don’t worry about this” I said with a smile on my face. “where are Ashton and Mickey” I said and before a and of them could answer me the door swings open and in come the two boys I was looking for”

“EMMA” they both yelled, and ran to the bed I was on.

They hugged me tight at the same time, a little to tight to be exact.

"Um guys i cant breathe" i forced the words out a little.

"Sorry sorry. We are just happy your are safe" Ashton said while he ruffled my hair. I didn't really care because c'mon i probably looked like a mess right now. There was no point in saying anything.

"Guys im fine haha but you know forget about me right now. How's the band coming along? Do you guys know what you are going to sing for your audition? Do you have a band name already? Have you written any songs?" I had bombarded them with questions.

"Chill Em, one question at a time please. We haven't really though of any of that yet but we have some names in mind and some song choices also" Ashton said.

I was happy for them. They were actually going to live there dream.  They were going to do what they loved most and that is making music.

"Ok well i know Luke has a couple of songs started. Maybe you could do like an original song  or something" This might have been a good idea because as soon as i said original song there faces lit up like if they were going to do that.

"M&M!! that's one of the best ideas i have heard you say" Mikey came over to me and gave me a hug and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"M&M, why did you call me that?" I was curious as to why Michael had decided to call me by a candy name.

"Well your name has two M's and at school i would always see you eating M&M's and besides i wanted to be original" Michael said with a smile on his face. I could tell that he was happy with the name he had given me.

“Well Mikey I love that name! Thank you for it!” I said while laughing.

The doctor soon arrived but my mother was nowhere to be seen yet. I wander where she was at.

“Hello Emma, how are you feeling?” the doctor said while looking at his clip board.

“Im feeling good actually my hand hurts a little but that’s about it.” I said moving my hand a little.

I had noticed that I had a bruise on it. Well that explains why it was hurting. It was kind of big and it was really purple. The doctor came and looked at my arm.

“So the bruise will go away soon by itself, and you will be able to leave in 30 minutes. So if you have clothed here you can get dressed now.” he said and then he walked out the door.

I looked at the boys standing beside me and they all had a big smile on their faces. They were happy that I was leaving, and honestly so was I.

“Oh these are your Em, I bought them like four days ago. Your mom picked them out for you” Calum gave me a bad of clothe and I mouthed a thank you.

I got up and walked into the bathroom, holding my robe. I locked the door behind me and took the clothe that my mom had packed me. She had packed me some undergarments, my black skinny jeans and my All Time Low shirt.

I got dressed and walked out the bathroom. My mom was sitting on the chair that Luke had been sitting on, and Luke was standing next to the window.

“MOM!” I yelled and ran up to her and gave her a hug. There were so many hugs going around today.

“Hey honey are  you ready to go?” she asked.

“Yes I am. I want to get out of here already” I said as I walked out the room that I had been in.

I just wanted to get home and sleep in my bed.

Nothing To Lose (5sos/Luke fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora