Its ME not HIM

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“Luke! What are you doing here?” I was in shock. He wasn’t supposed to be here he was supposed to be at school.

I did not want to see him right now. I needed to think thing trough on my own and right now Luke was not helping me make this situation any better.

“You didn’t show up to homeroom so I figured you would be here.” He walked past me and sat on the couch. Great, now I was sure he was not going to leave.  Didn’t want him here, I knew that and he most defiantly knew that also.

He turned the TV on and left it on some music channel he would always watch. I sat as far away as possible from him, I really didn’t want him her.

He had this smile on his face like he knew I was staring at him because I wanted him to leave. He was just sitting there doing nothing and I was getting frustrated so I decided to get up and go into the kitchen looking for something to eat.

I decided on making myself a quesadilla. When I was done making it I poured myself a glass of orange juice. Placed them on the table and sat down. I started eating and a few minutes later Luke walks in and sits in front of me. He didn’t say anything, he just watched me eat. When I was done I got up and walked to the sink. I left the plate and cup in the sink and washed my hands.

“You are not going to talked to me Em” He got up and started to walk closer to me.

I was about to walk into the living room when he grabbed my arm. Luke was making this impossible for me.

“I don’t have anything to say to you Luke. You kissed me when you knew I was going out with one of your mates” I was practically shouting at him.

“Emma! I know you don’t like Calum. You just think you like him because you use to have a crush on him.” He stood in front of me looking straight into my eyes.

“Luke please, just leave I really want to be by myself. Tell the guys I’m not feeling too well and I’m not going to be able to go to your band practice” I was not looking at him anymore, instead I was looking at my bare feet.

“Emma please listen to me. I know you don’t like him, I know you don’t and I know that you might not have the same feelings as me I don’t know im not a mind reader Emma! But it looks like you might feel something. I mean the way you have been acting since I kissed you. You just don’t want to admit it. I just… I just want to do this again.”

He lifted me head up and connected his lips with mine. His lips were soft and I don’t know why but I kissed him back, and it was something that I didn’t even feel when Calum kisses me. My stomach was defiantly doing backfilps.

And I’m that moment it didn’t matter to me that I had a boyfriend or that my boyfriend was one of Luke’s best mate. I know I was not thinking right when I kissed him back but it just felt so right.

Luke rested his forehead on mine, “please tell me you felt that Em, I know you did.”

I stayed quiet for a moment. I did feel what Luke was talking about “Luke… I … this is a mistake… I can’t do this..”

“Bullshit Emma I know you like me why won’t you just admit it! I just fucken told you how I feel and you cant say you don’t feel the same way because I know you do Emma!”  He was screaming at me at this point and I seriously didn’t know how to respond.

I wanted to tell him that I did feel the same way but at the same time I didn’t want to hurt Calum. I really did like him also. I was so confused right now.

“Luke you have to fucken understand me right now. I am seriously confused.. I just want to be alone and you here is not helping me at all. And I cant to this to Calum I –“

“No Emma you don’t understand!! Every time I see you or hear that you are with Calum my skin starts to boil. I didn’t know why until I kissed you the other day. That’s when I knew I really liked you, and I know that this might ruin our whole friendship but I say its worth a risk, and Cal, hes not actually who you think he is…” he stayed quiet for a moment, contemplating on whether or not he should tell me what he was thinking.

“What do you mean ‘He’s not actually who I think he is’ what does that even mean Luke?”

“Emma you know how he is you even said it last year. He’s a player and you know that!! I swear sometimes you can be so stupid! You need to open up your fucken eyes realize that he is not going to change!” At that point I was infuriated. I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“You are right Luke I need to open my fucken eye and realize that you are a jealous dumbass! And I don’t want to fucken talk to you right no so please get out of my fucken house and come back when you are fucken done insulting me!!”

“Em, no wait I’m sorry ok I’m really sorry! And you are right I am jealous! I never knew I would feel like this about you Em, but you know that what I said about Calum is true and you know it” I didn’t want to hear him anymore let alone talk to him.

 So I walked to the door and opened it signaling for him to leave. I still couldn’t believe that he had said all that.

“Em, im sorry”

“Just get out Luke” and before he could say anything else I slammed the door in his face.

I went back the the couch and just started to think.

He was right Calum was a player. But he could change, couldn’t he? And then Luke telling me that he actually has feeling for me.

I just didn’t want to think about this anymore. I walked to my room and tried to take a quick nap to get my mind of things, I succeeded on taking I nap but not on forgetting what had happened.


Hey guys sorry it took long to update!!

I had a good week! I went to go see this band I really like called King The kid, and it was a bonus that they were opening for Hollywood Ending!! Yes and if you don’t know who they are look them up please! I got pictures with them and I also got to meet another band that was amazing they are called This Is All Now! Look them up also.

Anyways  I hope you like this chapter and if you did like comment share! I love you guys and thanks for reading and sorry id it was a short chapter ;)

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