The Fight

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"No Cal! I want to know what these so called 'made up stories' are!" I shouted,

His tone had suddenly gone from rage to concern. It was like he didn't want me to know something.

"Well Luke are you going to fucken tell me or not." I said I little too inpatient.

I saw Luke glance at Calum then at me and then back at Calum. Something was defiantly up between these two and I was going to find out if it was the last thing I did.

"Yeah they are just you know made up stories. Like stories people say just to hurt someone else. It’s nothing really Emma" Luke stayed quiet before speaking again, "and Cal mate, I’m really sorry I kissed Emma it absolutely did not mean anything at all. I was not thinking straight, I’m sorry ad ill stay away from her from now on"

Those words hit me like a dagger in my heart. He wasn’t going to talk to me anymore. He was going to stay away from me. That’s when I realized Luke, my best friend from like 17years is no longer my friend.

Luke’s POV

"and Cal mate, I’m really sorry I kissed Emma it absolutely did not mean anything at all. I was not thinking straight, I’m sorry ad ill stay away from her from now on" as soon as I said that I regretted it.

I took one look at Emma and she was in shock. I didn’t want to see here reaction anymore so I closed the door on them. I’m such an idiot, it was just yesterday that I told her how I felt and now I’m shutting her out of my life.

I kneeled down and sunk my head in my hands. I was such an idiot I really was. I just lost my best friends and the girl that I love. Yes love.

I got up from the floor as fast as I could and opened the door but only to find that she was not there anymore, and neither was Calum. Stupid stupid stupid that is what I am. Now she will never talk to me.

I closed the door again and went to my room. I locked the door behind me and hid myself under my covers. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Calum’s POV

After Luke shut the door on us I realized what I had done. Yes I did get jealous. I mean if someone kisses your girlfriend wouldn’t you. But I was in no position to say anything because to be honest I had done some things I regret in this relationship. I haven’t been completely honest and faithful.

We were currently walking back to Emma’s house in silence. I wanted to tell Emma that I was sorry for my reaction but I didn’t know how.

“E-Emma, I need to tell you something” I stopped walking and so did she.

Since she was in front of me she turned around. She wasn’t looking at me but at the ground. I walked to her and wrapped my hands around her waist. She buried her head in my chest and I could hear her softly sobbing.

“Emma im so sorry I didn’t mean for all this to happen, I just I was mad you have to understand me. Please forgive me please. I know I messed up and I was in no position treat you or Luke like that. And I know you are going to hate me with what im going to say next” I stayed quiet to see if she would say anything but she just looked at me and signaled for me to continue, “ I’m, Im sorry Emma I –I –I ….. Cheated also im really sorry! I was drunk please!”

She let go of me and took a step back I could see it in her eyes that she was in shock.

“ you mean to tell me that you did a big fucken fuss when you clearly did the same thing and who knows maybe you even fucken slept with that girl?’ she yelled.

Her face was getting red and her hands were forming into fists. She was frustrated.

“Im sorry it I was drunk and I was being immature and stupid”


Before I could say anything else I felt a hand come in contact with my face. When I opened my eyes I could see Emma running down the street.

“EMMA!! LOOK OUT!” I screamed it to late the car had hit her and she was now laying on the floor.

I stood there in shock, I watched the car that hit her drive away.

Emma’s POV  

I slapped him. I cant believe he did all this. I started to run away from him. I just wanted to get home and be alone right now

“EMMA!! LOOK OUT!” I turned to see Calum running after me, but that is all I remember before it all went black.


Sorry short chapter but its been an eventful day. All i have to say is that im happy that 5sos are touring with One Direction. it was there desission and im happy with that and besides im was going to the WWAT and 5sos touring with 1D this time is amazing because they are actually comiong to were i live which is Arizona. 

But anyways sorry for a short chapter again like coment if you like it and follow me on twitter @niallslover8 !!!

love you all <3

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