The Talk and a date

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-3 weeks later-

Emma’s POV

These past 3 weeks have been somewhat boring yet exciting. The boys and I had finished our Spanish project; yeah it was a miracle that we actually did finish it. We did a song instead of a skit. The teacher was ok with it since we were being original. Everyone was impressed, even I was. We got an 87% over all. I was happy with the results.

The boys had auditioned for the show.  They had sung an original song called Try Hard. They didn’t make it in though. One of the judges said that they are not what they were looking for. I think that was stupid because it’s not about them it’s about the audience. But none the less they are still going to continue the band.

They have some other songs and other cover they have done. They have posted 3 covers in the last 3 weeks. It’s pretty amazing if you ask me. And people are starting to notice them. It’s insane. Some girls even asked for pictures. They have fans within the first 3 covers they posted. Now that doesn’t happen often.

Luke and I, I guess are like friends with benefits it that’s the appropriate term for it. I mean we hang out and kiss, make out but we have not told anyone yet. Although some people like my mother and his mother are kinda figuring things out.

Today is the last day of school and I am in my last class of the day. It’s been going by slow and it does not seem to want to speed up. When the bell finally rings I shove everything into my bag and head out the door. I was walking to my locker when I felt an arm go around my waist.

“Hey Em” I turn my head to see that it was Luke.

“jesus Luke, why do you have to do that voice it creeps me out” I said playfully punching him in the arm,

“What I though it was pretty sexy, you know you like it” he said leaning on the locker next to mine.

“You are such an idiot you know that. I cant believe that after all these years we are still friends. That is saying something right there”

“Well you know we can be more than friends, because later today I will take you out on that date. And after the and so ima pick you up like at 5 which is in like two and a half hours and yes I know its kinda early for a date but there are surprises in store.” He explained to me and as he was explaining I had noticed that he kept on smiling and his smile got bigger with every word he said.

It was really cute the way he moves his hands when he talked. Hi got lost in what he was saying.  Hw grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

“You are such a dork sometimes you know that” I said as I shake my head.

“No im not, im awesome and you think so too.” He pulled me in closer to him.

“Ok well I guess I am going to have to go to get ready for the date, because I only have two hours” I said squirming out of his grip.

“What is two hour not enough time for you?” he smirked “I could make it more but then you will mis part of what I have planned.”

“Luke, really you know me better than anyone else and you know I don’t even take an hour to get ready” 

“Ok fine ill see you at 5 then get ready ill come by your house at exactly 5 ok” I nodded and was about to walk away when Luke grabbed be and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

“Ill see you at 5” I said and headed out the school.



It was already 4:40 and I still had done nothing with my hair and I had not applied my makeup either. Luke would be here in 20 minutes and I was currently sitting in front of my mirror looking at the makeup I had scattered on my desk.

 I had my hair brush in one hand and my curler in the other I was contemplating on whether to curl it leave it as it is or straighten it. I honestly didn’t know what to do.

On the other hand I already had my outfit on. I was wearing some black ripped skinny jeans and a Pokémon shirt. The Pokémon shirt was a gift from Luke from about a week ago I though why not wear it today. I also had my black and white converse on.

I decided to leave my hair in its natural stage. It was wavy and it was actually working with me today. I applied the basics for my makeup. Mascara, eyeliner and some red lipstick.

When I had finished I heard a knock on the door.

“Ill get it.” Shit I forgot my dad was still with us. Im so used to it only being my mom and I.

“Oh hey Luke how are you” I heard my dad say to Luke from the hallway.

“Hey sir im uh in doing good. I just um came for Emma” he was stuttering as he said that.

‘Yeah dad um we will be back later love you both have fun” I yelled as I pulled Luke out the door.

‘Wait just a second Emma” dam I stopped where I was and turned to face my dad.

“Yeah dad?”

“Where are you guys going all dressed  up like that?” really my dad that this was dressed up. Mu mom went up to him and whispered something in his ear. “I see”

Dammit mom what did you tell him. He came up to us and put an arm around Luke.

“Welll Mr.Hemmings, looks like you and I need to have a little conversation in the kitchen. I knew I was going to have this talk with you but I didn’t think it would have been this soon. This is going to be good.” My dad looked back at me and he had an evilish smirk on his face.

“Mom what did you tell him!?!” I screamed

“He was going to find out sooner or later hun, and besides he was getting a little suspicious because well you guys were kinda sneaking around a lot”

I stayed quiet for a few more minutes until I see my dad and Luke walk out the kitchen.

“Don’t worry Mr. Pint I will do my best” my dad just nodded and walked to the living room. My mom waved bye to us and followed my dad.

“Are you ready?” Luke asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

“yeah but what did my dad talk to you about” we walked out of the house and into the car Luke had brought.

“He just told me to take care of you and if I hurt you he would hurt me, and I just told him that I would never hurt you because if I hurt you I would be hurting myself.” he chuckled and started the car. I just nodded and I could feel my cheeks turn red because of what he had told me. We stayed quiet for a couple of minutes.

“Lets go” Luke said and we drove off.

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