A plan

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Lukes POV

It was currently 2 in the morning and I was waiting for Emma and Calum to return from there date.  I was sitting on the couch in Emma’s house. I couldn’t sleep, I don’t know why but I wasn’t able to sleep. Maybe it was because it was late and she was not here yet.

Half an hour later I heard a noise at the door. That must be Emma, I ran to the door sure enough she was there, but she was locking lips with Calum. At that moment a felt an urge to punch Calum but I held it back.

“Nice to see that you made it back safe Em. Cal good to see you again” I tried to calm down but I think it sounded like I was trying to hard to sound intimidating.

“Ill um see you tomorrow Emma, bye” Calum said as he kissed her cheek.

At that instant I had become jealous. I didn't know why but u was jealous. Jealous of Calum, jealous that he was kissing Emma and that it wasn’t me kissing her. But what was I suppose to do, I knew she didn’t feel the same about me. Besides she was my best friend, and last time I checked, I was just her best friend also.

I walked back to the couch without saying another word. I don’t know why I was feeling jealous when I was the one that encouraged Calum to ask her out.

 I heard her close the door and walk to her room. Gosh I'm so stupid, I wanted to see her happy, but now I realize that I wanted her to be happy with me not with someone else.

From that moment on I decided I was going to fight. I was going to fight for the love I had towards Emma. I was going to fight for our friendship, and I was going to win. But first I needed to figure out if she had the same feelings that I did.

And I knew exactly just how to do that.

Emma’s POV

I woke up the next morning to the smell of burnt toast or something that was burning. I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen where I saw Luke trying to put out a fire.

“WHAT THE FUCK LUKE!!” I yelled in frustration. I got a clothe and grabbed the handle of the pan and threw it into the sink. I got the fire extinguisher out from underneath the sink and sprayed the pan.

“Luke what the actual fuck! You know you are not allowed to cook in my kitchen because this always happens” I was kind of mad at him because he knew he wasn’t suppose to cook at all.

“I'm sorry, I was just trying to make you some breakfast” he said walking towards me.

“Luke you KNOW you can't cook, so why did you attempt to do it?” I asked, a little to curious.

“I told you I wanted to make you breakfast. Can't your best friend make you breakfast?” he asked almost in I whisper when he said best friend.

“Gosh Luke what am I going to do with you? Why didn’t you just wake me up I could of helped you?” I said a little more calmed down. Honestly I wasn’t mad at Luke, well I was but he was trying to make me something to eat and thinking about it I was kinda hungry.

“Come here. What do you want to eat?” I asked him while I tried to clean up the mess he had made. I think he was disappointed that he wasn’t able to accomplish what he was doing, because he didn’t respond.

“Luke, what do you want to eat?” I asked for the 3rd time.

“You know what, I am not really hungry. Besides I don’t want to interrupt Calums time with you” he said pointing to the window where there was a figure getting out of a car and surly enough it was Calum. “I'll leave now, um have fun”

Nothing To Lose (5sos/Luke fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang