The Wait

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Calum’s POV

I ran as quickly as I could towards Emma. Shit this can’t be happening! This is all just a dream and I am going to wake up and she is going to be alright.

I called the ambulance first and then I called all the boys. I didn’t know what else to do. I was scared and panicking. I carried her to the side of the street so she wouldn’t be in the middle.

I few minutes later I could hear the guys running and yelling my name.

“What the fuck did you do to her Calum!” Luke had tears in his eyes and his hands formed into fists. His face looked as read as a tomato.

“Mate I didn’t to anything! Well we had a fight before this happened! She just started running and then the car appeared out of no were!! I tried to warn her but I was too late the car had already hit her! Mate I didn’t mean for this to happen I swear!” I was in full on tears right now.

I didn’t want this to happen. In the distance we could hear the serine’s of the ambulance. Why were they taking so long. I just wanted to be here already.

“What where you guys arguing about?” I curious Michael asked.

“We um we were-“ I saw the ambulance and moved to the side and watched as they moved so quickly me processing all of the movement that was going on.

“C’mon guys my car is at Luke’s house lets go” Ashton shouted at us as he made his way to Luke's house.

We ran after him and quickly got into the car. As Ash drove of all i do do id think of how all of this. Was my fault. It was my fault that we got into a fight and. It was my fault she got hit by a car. I was so stupid.

When we got to the hospital the first one out was Luke. He quickly ran into the hospital and asked the lady in the front desk what i assumed was a question. He nodded his head and sprinted to the elevators. Me and the lads followed right behind him.

When we got to the correct floor we all sprinted to the nearest doctor.

" Excuse me, doctor, do you know what room Emma Pint is at?" Luke asked with worried eyes. He was nervous i could tell by his voice.

"Yes, she is in room 206, but she cant have any visitors at this time im very sorry" With that the doctor walked away.

I heard a bang on the wall so i turned around. It was Luke, he had punched the wall. He was phasing back and forth. Until he finally sat down. He burried his head in his hands. He was worried, we all where.

I sat next to him and in front of us sat Michael and Ashton. Emma's mom was not here yet. We had called her about an hour ago but due to her location she could not making for another two hours.

Luke's POV

A couple of hours have passed and still no news about if Emma is ok or not. Emma’s mom had gotten here a few hours back and was trying to get information from any doctor that would pass by.

 I ran my fingers through my hair which was now all over the place because of the numerous amounts of times that I have done that. I wanted to know if she was ok. I just wanted to see her ok.

It was midnight and i was the only one awake. Ashton was sleeping on across some chairs and Mikey was laid across the floor next to Ash's spot.

Emma's mom had left an hour ago to change from her work cloth and to take a shower and she said she was going to bring us something to eat. Thank god because i was hungry.

I think i was actually really sleepy because i kept rubbing my eyes every other minute. I didn't want to go to sleep in case the doctors came in with news about Emma. I was impatiently waiting for the doctor in the waiting room.

I was about to go look for the doctor to see if there was any news about Emma, when one walks in.

"Family and friends of Emma Pint?" He called out and i rushed to his side.

"Im im her friend, these guys are also here for her and um her mom went home for some things" i said as i pointed to the boys and looked back at the doctor.

"Ok well Emma is no longer in danger but, she is im a comma. We dont know how long she could be in a comma for, but for no we predict that for a week. We will take more test on her to see of she will need anything else" The doctor said.

"Can I go in and see her right now?" I asked fearing that he was going to say no.

"You can, but you will have to be careful. She has some machines connected to her."

I nodded my head and walked to the room she was staying in. Before i did anything else i called Emma's mom to tell her that what the doctor had told me. All she said was that she would be on her way.

I opened the door and i saw her in the bed. She looked so lifeless. The color in her skin had become pale. I didn't know that it had been this bad.

I started to walk to her bed. I couldn’t believe that all this had happened today. This was all my fault I couldn’t believe this, why her? Why couldn’t this be me. I wish I could trade places with her.

I grabbed her hand and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Emma, I know you might not hear me or you might, who knows right?” I chucked before continuing. “Look at you. This would of not happened if it wasn’t for me. I know what you would say, you would say ‘Luke shut the fuck up none of this is your fault’ but the truth is that it is. If I never would of kissed you, if I never would of started having feeling s for you none of this would of happened.” I stayed quiet for a moment

“But I did start to have feeling for you, I got jealous because every time I saw you with Calum I knew that I could not be the one holding your hand, kissing you or even telling you that you look beautiful.” I kissed her and her hand “I love you Emma, and I don’t care if I have to fight trough water or fire, I will show you how I feel. I know that you might not be able to hear all of what I am saying but there might be a slight chance that you are able to”

I brought a chair next the bed and just sat there. I talked to her about everything we have been through, good and bad. I just kept on talking until i heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" i spoke. It was either the boys or Emma's mom.

In walked the boys. Calum rushed to the other side of the bed and just stared at Emma. I guess he couldn't believe this either. Michael and Ashton stood next to Calum.

"Mate you know i never wanted this to happen to her. I didn't want to hurt her, I just wanted to make her happy." Calum was sobbing uncontrollably right now.

"Cal stop I guess i was just scared that my best friend was not going to have any time fore anymore we were being idiots and only caring about ourselves instead of the one who cared for us" I didn't want to tell Calum that I had more feelings towards Emma than he imagines.

"I know bro, and i was stupid to do what i did im sorry this was my fault"

"Cal mate you don't have to apologize, like i said we where both being idiots and we were oblivious to the harm that we were causing Emma" i spoke and we all stayed quiet for the rest of the time that we where there

Even though I loved Emma. Yes loved i was going to let her be happy with Calum, because you know what they say, If you love something let it go if it comes back to you it was yours from the start.

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