Stories about the stars

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Shredder had been king in Japan for eight years. He ruled the country with an iron fist. The people feared him. A few years ago, they had started to leave the land and that had now led to a serious lack of labour. There was almost no peasant that could grow food, almost no fishermen and almost no hunters that could hunt for food. The factory had almost no personal left. Japan was slowly falling apart. Applejack newly left the castle. She couldn't live there any longer. King Shredder was a nightmare. The streets or no man land was better. Donnie made his best to stand out, but he was treated more like a servant than the majordomo.

Donnie:(holds a plate with Shredder's dinner)"Ugh! I never had to do this for Splinter."

Shredder:"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Donnie:"Ah! Nothing..."[please, someone, make this terror stop!]

Shredder:"Remember, never ever mention that name in my kingdom. I am the king!"

Donnie:"Yes, you are the king. No one else."


Shredder:*sigh*"What is it now?"

Aria:"We have a big problem!"

Adagio:"Let me handle this. Shredder, thanks to the emigration, we're almost out of food. And the prices is sky high."

Aria:"Yeah, it's dinner time, and we can't even pay for a sandwich!"

Sonata:"We're back to starving!"

Shredder:"The Hamato clan's job to stop people from emigrating."

Aria:"But it doesn't work!"

Shredder:"You said you were hungry. Eat Donatello."


Aria:(murmurs)"It was better when Splinter was king."

Shredder:"What did you say?!"

Aria:"I said- Ouch!"(get elbowed by Adagio)"Nothing. I said nothing."

Shredder:"Good, now go!"

Aria:"But, we're still hungry."


That night, Pinkie, Mikey and the now fifteen years old Raph was looking at the sky and all the stars.

Mikey:"Look over there! It looks like a chicken!"

Pinkie:"Yeah, a tiny little chicken!"

Raph:"And look over there! It looks like your nunchakus."

Pinkie:"And your sais."

Mikey:"Those stars look like a pair of katanas."

Raph:"And next to that is a bō staff."[like Donnie's]

Pinkie:"I remember when I did this with my big sister. She told me that when you see a shooting star, you can make a wish."

Mikey:"My parents told me a story about a girl named Hoshi.
A long time ago in Japan, there was a little girl named Hoshi who was fascinated by the stars of the sky. She was absolutely in awe of them and would lie on the grass at night and stare at them for hours, wondering how those little bright specks of light can stay in the air for so long. One night while watching the stars, something happened in the sky that made her sad and began to cry. The stars were falling down like shower, that she was afraid there would be no stars left on in the sky. Suddenly she got an idea. Hoshi ran home and came back with a jar and some papers and she sat down to watch the stars again. For every star that fell, Hoshi made a paper star and placed it in the jar. That night she made one hundred stars. However, she was still sad because many more stars fell down from the sky and she wasn't able to keep up with them. The next night, she saw only few stars in the sky. Hoshi was worried, but she thought of another idea. She ran and knocked on all the doors in the village and told all the little boys and girls to come out. She explained to them what happened and they all wanted to help. That night they made two thousand stars and kept them in their own jars. And then something magical happened. More stars began to appear in the sky and all the little children were very happy. Hoshi said "The stars in jars are lucky to us as they made all the missing stars appear again in the sky. From now on, these paper stars will be called as Lucky Stars." Hoshi then looked up at the sky and said "Whenever a lucky star is made, a falling star will be saved.""

Pinkie:"What about you, Raph? What have your family told you about the stars?"

Raph:"Mmm, I don't know if-"

Pinkie:"Oh, come on!"

Mikey:"Come on, share your story about the stars."

Raph:"Well... someone once told me, that the great kings of the past are up there, and watching over us."


Pinkie:"You mean a bunch of dead royals are watching us?"

Pinkie and Mikey started to laugh at the idea. It wasn't their fault, they didn't know what it meant to Raph.

Pinkie:"Who told you so?!"

Mikey:"You think they can put us in jail for leaving the Hamato clan, then?"

Raph:"Yeah, pretty silly huh?"

As Pinkie and Mikey kept on laughing, Raph's face turned into a frown. All of a sudden Raph stood up and walked away.

Pinkie:"Was it something I said?"

Raph walked until his friends was out of view. Then he throw himself at the ground making dust and dirt flow around. The wind caught it, and took it far away.

Outside of Tokyo, Discord was meditating when he felt the wind blowing dust and dirt with it. He caught it, getting a feeling that it was trying to tell him something. He used his powers got read it and his eyes widened.

Discord:"Raphael? He's alive, yes, he's alive! Haha! Raphael is alive!"(calms down)"It is time!"

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