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     Light, Magic, Intelligence, and Time, are the four main attributes of a world. Avalis, a world where all of these attributes are used as a basis of what should be done and how it should be done.

     For example, Depending on how smart a person is can change their status in the world. Age doesn't matter, nor does wealth, you can live alone at just 14 if you wish. All depending on your grades. Every year, every single person who lives in Avalis has to take a test to see what privelages should be given to them.

     Magic and Light are critical attributes when innovating. Magic gives everything it's physical abilities. Human to inanimate objects. Anything. Light makes sure that everything is good and doesn't end up turning bad.

     Time is something that is EXTREMELY important in Avalis. Time is part of everything. Without it, nothing would exist. Obviously. One who can control it can either lead the world to fortune, or cause the world to break, shatter, and maybe get erased from existence.

     Basically Avalis is the same as our world. The only thing that is different is the way it is being used. Our world itself used to have magic. Though all of it ended up being used for nothing and decided to be put somewhere else. This is when Avalis came to be. Avalis is a dump for magic, but there was nothing using it, so inhabitants were made. 

     Only chosen children can be holders of magic. They were chosen by the stars, the things that made humans. These chosen inhabitants are usually made of stardust.


1. Sapphire

     Sapphire is a weird, independent, quiet person. Blue eyes, long, straight brown hair, and normal clothes. She's smart enough to live by herself in the Avalis. With an IQ of 140 for a 14 year old girl, you would expect that she would be capable if doing so.

2. Persaphire

     Pronounced (PER-sa-fire), it surprises me how many times my friends got it wrong. Also a 14 year old girl but, has a higher IQ than Sapphire. She comes to live with Sapphire a little bit later after Sapphire moves into her new home. She is an incredible artist, often doodling her feelings, and experiences.

3. Gralyn

      One of Persaphire's friends. They met after Gralyn decided to make more friends. Since he was a new kid at her school. He was already a popular kid at his old middle school, but he somehow had a hard time making new ones.

4. Rainer

     Pronounced (RAIN-er) another name that doesn't seem hard but is, to basically all of my friends. He is also another one of Persaphire's friends, but she hated him, and I mean HATED him. She once drew a character in a grim reaper cloak, holding a scyth in one hand, and a death list with Rainer's name at the top in the other.

5. Liv

     Popular, spoiled, blond girl. The exact opposite of Sapphire. The one who always picks on Sapphire. Just all around evil in Sapphire's point of view. She has parents that are smart enough to bribe every school to let her into whatever school she wants. Even ones she's not even qualified to get into. Sapphire and her have been in the same school for several years. I could just joke that she's obsessed with bullying Sapphire, that she just decided to follow her everywhere.

     All of these characters will come together in the series, at one point. They are all the main group of characters. It's pretty easy to see which ones could possibly be the antagonists. There is not only one.


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