Chapter 16: Its what friends are for right?

Start from the beginning

"Tell me what shampoo she uses, and body wash because I want to smell like strawberries!" He whines, I rolly my eyes and join him by laying down. After a slight marathon of just talking about random things, the topic of girls came into our conversation, he asked me how are you and Marinette? He complete shut up after that when he realised his mistake.

"You okay man?" Nino puts a hand on my back, gently patting it. "I just, I know what I did was wrong, but I find it stupid how mad and sad she is because of me. I didn't know she wanted to talk to me after I had suddenly kissed her." I started to babble about how I feel and what I did.

My little rant got interrupted by Nino when he slapped the back of my head, I groan in response before rubbing the back of my head and looking at him, as if my good looks could do any real damage to him.

Nino and I have known each other for a long time, before even Alya or Marinette have even started talking with one another. Back then, we were just innocent boys, just two best friends being best friends. I don't even remember how I became the player of this school.

Over those years, he's practically immune to my deadly glares or my sad moods. He just cheers me up, even when saying the most dumbest of things, he makes me laugh.

"Chill dude, your over thinking, in some way Alya finds it completely stupid to, she's probably telling Marinette right now how stupid this situation is." Nino chuckles, all I do is just raise an eyebrow.

"Do you have a TV?" I give him a more puzzled look, before nodding slowly. I notice his dark brown eyes light up, kind of impossible when his eyes are a very dark shade of brown and in a dimly lit room.

He goes to his bag and starts pulling out clothes and what not, after what seemed like 20 minutes of him looking for it he pulls out an Xbox and come controllers.

"First of all, How do you fit that thing in a duffle bag, Second the duffel bag isn't even big how do you even search in that bag for 20 minutes, and Last, How do you not find that huge ass Xbox in a tiny bag and go searching for it for 20 minutes?!" I raised my voice a little and began panting. That was a mouthful.

Nino shrugs before asking me where the TV was, I didn't mention to Marinette about the TV, but it was on my side of the room. Annoyed, I walk over to the TV and plug it in, bright light flashes onto the screen making me jump a little. I could see Nino in my peripheral vision laughing his ass off.

I grumble something he couldn't hear before asking him to set up the Xbox.

After Nino sets up the Xbox, he passes me the controller and sits on the bed next to me, making the bed dip a little. I could say that after playing video games with him, it helped me get over my dilemma.

Nino and I have known each other for a long time, before even Alya or Marinette have even started talking with one another. Back then, we were just innocent boys, just two best friends being best friends. I don't even remember how I became the player of this school.

Over those years, he's practically immune to my deadly glares or my sad moods. He just cheers me up, even when saying the most dumbest of things, he makes me laugh.

It's what friends are for right?



Ho mah gawd, I'm not used to this (Clearly you motherfuc-)

I usually get more reads and votes when I'm about to finish the book and such. But still holy shit.

But my notifications tho, my readers just blow them up with a bunch of votes and comments

Luckily I have my notifications off for Wattpad or else I will be waking up to 20 notifications saying you guys voted or left a comment

Don't get me wrong I appreciate it but chill guys 😂

Anyway~ the beauty in silence will come out soon, maybe in a few weeks I still need plAn all the shit or lmao

I Hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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