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The second day

I woke up as my mobile phone vibrated. There were two chatroom opened, one of it was from Seven. I moaned loud and rubbed my eyes. The I looked for the time.

"WHAT?!IT'S ELEVEN O'CLOCK?!" Excited I got up and ran to the bath.

I took a short shower and wanted to dry my hair, as my phone rang.

"Omgoood...I just wanted a peaceful day! Please!"

I picked my phone up.


" so stressed?"

"Who is there? I can't reognize ur voice."

"It's me Zen...I just wanted to continue flirting."

"What the...listen! I don't have time. I must buy some bath stuff today so I don't have time for this..."

"Stay calm...stay's me Seven! I'm just joking!"

"Seven?!I didn't think u sound like this!"

"Like this? What do u mean?"


"Come on. Tell me..."

"This sexy!"

AfterI said this, I hung up immediately. My god... I'm usualy not this weird when I talk to a guy. But Seven is so...I'm driving crazy because of him! I put on my panties, as my handy vibrated again. Seven wrote me.

Seven:Hey (u/n), I'm sorry about this joke. I thought it would be funny...

You:...>.< It's okay!

Seven:Why did u hang up so fast?

You:This was embarrassing!

Seven:I like what u said...

OMG!I didn't know if my heart was still beating! I stared on the display, not really understanding, what I was doing.

Seven:Can I call u again? Please?

You:If u want to...



A second later, Sevens profil pic appeared on my screen.


"You sound so shy...That's cute! voice sounds sexy..?

How about that...(imagine that he slowly spelled ur name)..."

"Stop it! You make me blush!"

"*laughs * I'm sorry... It's fun to tease u!"

"I wanted to go shopping!"

"Ah right...Your clothes are coming tomorrow...I hope you like what I choose for you..."


"So NO!"


"EM!EM! EM!"


"Ya!You got it! I write u later! Bye!"

Later I was dressed, sat on the bed and joined one of the chatrooms. The title was: Party.

Jaehee:Oh hi (u/n)!


You:Jumin how did ur dinner work?

Jumin:It was normal. My Father brought his girlfriend...It was awkward...

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