Chapter Eight: Natchitoches pt 2

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Ailsa POV

The night is black as tar when we reach the Magnolia Plantation, the only light we have is a full moon(of course). It doesn't feel like the temperature has gone down since noon and even if had I'd still have a soaked shirt from my intense perspiration from nerves.

Shauna is walking next to me and Dixon is next to her. "Stay close.", I instruct her. "Do you guys feel that?", I then ask them. I feel a surge in my veins of nothing but wolves and vampires being extremely nearby. 

Suddenly I hear Dani. She links with Dixon and I. "Trap." is all she says, but it's too late. We're completely surrounded by angry, growling wolves. They must've used the night and what feels like an endless amount of Magnolia trees. I see Shauna ball her hands into fist.

She then crouches down and takes deep breath. Almost instantaneously in a smooth fluid motion, she springs back upright. Outstretching both arms Shauna then blows away all the surrounding wolves. Werewolves go flying in every direction.

My fiancée might be a superhero now. "Whoa", was the best I could manage to say at that moment. I then become even more shocked when Luke, Anther and Daniel spring out of the shadows and start biting and tearing the throats of any incoming wolves. They are also guaranteeing the deaths of the wolves on the ground by doing the same to them. Dixon joins with them in fighting.

I then hear, "HEY SHAUNA!!!!" It's EJ. He and a werewolf are dragging Dani, I can feel Dani is pretending, but Chèe is really out cold. She's being pulled along by a woman, who I can feel is vampire. I look closely and it takes me a second but I recognize who she is eventually. She is Logan's mum. I have to hurry and grab Shauna from running towards Chèe.

I hear Dani when she links up to all of the brothers and myself. She says, "Alpha please let Shauna know you and she will go towards Chèe at your count of five. I will bust loose from EJ's grip at the same time,  the guys will attack him and this other bugger." I trust her plan since she has been able to assess everything from the inside.

Dani was explaining her plan at the same time Diana Ambrose is explaining how she wants to avenge the deaths of her children Logan, Nicki and Mike.
While she rambles on, about restoring the greatness of vampires everywhere and putting fear in people whenever they hear the Gangrel clan's name mentioned(I see where Logan got his rambling from). Dani was able to explain her plan and we were able to actually carry it out.

", GO!!!", I let Shauna go. I shift as her body leaves my hands. I had been revving up like a like a racer. Once her body leaves my fingertips, my body hit the gas on my shift mode. She goes to get Chèe while I attack Diana Ambrose.

Dani gets lose with the help of Luke, while Dixon and Daniel go for EJ. They miss him and have to go chase after him. Anther goes after the wolf and tackles him. He then kills him easily and goes off to search for EJ. Dani and Luke immediately join in for the search for EJ.

Shauna gets to Chèe and I get to Diana but not before she bites Chèe almost killing her. She must've been reading my mind and baiting us. I get to her and tackle her just before she can kill Chèe. I bite her as hard as can and she becomes limp and falls motionless to the ground. But to be sure of her death I tear into her chest. I rip out her her heart and I crush it with my bare hand.

I shift to find Chèe clinging to life in Shauna's arms. I can feel her life seeping out her at a rapid pace. Chèe never taught Shauna spells to revive people or to save them. So thinking quick, the only option I have is to turn her. But being that I'm hybrid, I honestly have no fucking clue what will happen to Chèe. No one has ever explained this to me and honestly I don't think any wolf I know actually knows the answer.

Lalin (GxG) Book 2 in The Detroiter series.(Complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя