Chapter One: Lets Stay Together

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Shauna POV

I'm in the kitchen cooking Ailsa breakfast, I told her she deserved a good home cooked meal, from her soon to be wife, especially after last night and this morning. I'm making her three servings of Fwa Bef Ak Zonyon. (Beef liver and onions) My hybrid has a hearty appetite. She comes up behind me snaking her arms around me and kissing me on my cheek. God I love her.

"Everything smells delicious, and I do mean EVERYTHING." I feel two pricks on the nape of my neck drawing a small amount of blood that she then lightly sucks then licks, she says while rubbing my thigh.

"Damn Baby, fuck.", I say as I'm getting as hot as the stove I'm cooking on. I feel her hand leave my thigh and she turns off the stove.

I quickly turn back on the stove, suppressing my own personal arousal, "I thought you said you were hungry? I'm trying to feed you."

"I am but what, I can't be hungry for more than one thing?" , she says with a laugh while pulling up a chair, she grabs me by my wrist and pulls me into her lap and while giving me a tight hug says,"You are way to good to me." and nudges head so she can take a huge whiff of my neck and it makes laugh.

I have an old school radio playing while I'm cooking and all of a sudden, "Let's Stay Together" comes on.  She hears it and immediately starts singing it to me and then says, "Come on dance with me, baby." I love her but she really shouldn't sing or dance. But it was cute even if her singing was really off key and she was dancing without a lick of rhythm.

She's trying and I love her for that, but I also know there is something she's not telling me. She's a horrible liar. And I haven't forgotten about this morning's weird facial expression change when she talked about lying.

She's also been acting really weird at times, since the graveyard, and I desperately wanna know why. So I tried sex last night and that was supposed to help break her about the graveyard, but that didn't go as planned(her asking me to marry her kinda threw off my plans). I think, "Why does she has to go and be adorable, ruining my breakfast plan to make her crack."

"Plan?" (Shit) "What plan?"she ask.

I'm about to start pacing when she stands in front of me stopping me before I can start and it clicks. "Why were you reading my thoughts?", I ask trying to flip it and seem offended.

"You stopped dancing and didn't respond to your name.", she explains. "You're avoiding my question and you're also a bad actress. (We know each other way too well)What plan? Answer me.", she repeats.

"Unlike you I don't want to read your thoughts I want you to feel you can come to me for anything. You haven't so I was trying to still not ask but coax. I'm telling you now before you read more of my thoughts any more.", I'm irritated now.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW?", she yells now highly irritated as well.

"OK, HOLD THE FUCK UP! WHO IN THE FUCK ARE YOU SCREAMING AT?", I yell back and it's official our first argument after becoming a bonded engaged couple, has started. "What happened at the graveyard? And what have you lied about?".

Her facial expression quickly changes after she hears the word graveyard. "Just spit it out.", I try to say calmly with a sigh. I feel something new and I can't stay completely mad. It's like I can feel what she's feeling and it's a mix of emotions I feel it and I see it all in her face. She's now slumping, back against the counter. I walk over to her and lift her chin so she's looking me directly in my eyes. "What happened? Just tell me. I don't know because I haven't read your thoughts. I love you and we can work through..."

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