"That fucking bitch! I wish I were there. I would have ripped her expensive extension out of her head. Who was she?" Tracy asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. I think she is his ex." I said as I got up and made my way to make some coffee.

"So that's why the card said you may have some questions," Tracy said.

"I think so. But I haven't told you the best part. He told that bitch that I was his girlfriend." pause for effect.

"He what?! Omg Nikki. Is my little girl in a grownup relationship?" Tracy asked her voice full of hope. I just nodded with a sheepish grin.

"Well, I'll be damn! We need to celebrate! Wait why are you still in the same outfit from last night," she asked. I told her about our hot and heavy session in the living room, and how I told him I was still a virgin.

"And what did he say?" she asked quietly

"He pretty much said we should wait. That my first time shouldn't be some kind of "fuck session", that I should make love. And he wanted to make love to me." I told her shyly.

"I knew I liked that Dean. He is a good guy," she said sweetly. I nodded. I wanted to change the subject

"So how was your night with Bryan?" I asked her. Her face light up.

"It went well. He cooked dinner for us at his apartment. He was so sweet. Being too careful not to touch me as much. He said he wanted to do right by me this time. But did I want to touch him to touch me in all the wrong places." she sighed heavily. She was hopeless.

"Well, it shows that he respects you. isn't that what you wanted?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I guess so. But damn he makes me so horny."

"Have you told him that you are a virgin?" I asked

"Yes... Which is why I think he is taking things slow. He says he doesn't want to have sex with me until he knows for sure that we will be together." she smiled to herself.

"Well, I hope it goes well. Looks like we both may have good men in our lives." I reached out and touched her hand.

"Let's go out for breakfast. I'm thinking waffle house. Get some good greasy food. I'm starving."

"Ok let me hop in the shower. Give me 25 minutes." Tracy said. 25 minutes was like an hour in Tracy's world. We would leave the house until noon.

"ok. Let's get ready."

I filled up my coffee cup and walked to my room. Damn if only I could have finished my "personal time" earlier. I wonder what an orgasm feels like. I hopped in the shower and finished getting ready in my bathroom.

 I sat down in the living room and turned on the TV. I was flipping through the channels. It was Saturday morning, so every channel was pretty much cartoons I stopped on the channel that was showing Power Rangers. I use to love this show when I was a kid. Kimberly the pink ranger was my favorite. Although I always thought Tommy, the white ranger was cute. Dang, I guess I found white men attractive even back then. But he wasn't as sexy as my Dean.

"Ready," Tracy said as she walked out of the room.

"My car or yours," I asked her

"Mine because I need to get gas."

"Let's roll."

We walked out of the house and hopped in Tracy's 2010 mustang. She let the top back since it was a nice day. It was supposed to be warm since it was still August. She turned on the radio and Rhianna "What's my name." came on.

Hmmm, I might make this Dean's ringtone. We had a good breakfast at waffle house, I was feeling good. We stopped by the store so I could get a vase for my flowers. We had just pulled up in our driveway when Mike pulled up in his Jeep Cherokee. He loved his car. Took him a little while to get the rims on it, but he did it all on his own. I walked up to him as he got out of the car. He was wearing a grin when he saw me.

"Hey, Mike." I gave him a hug

"Hey beautiful." he hugged me, placing his face in my hair. Did he just smell my hair?

"Mike hey!! Tracy yelled as she was opening the front door.

"Tracy you are always yelling with your crazy ass," Mike said as we made our way into the house arm in arm.

He plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote. He always makes himself at home when he is at my house. Which is how I like it. I smiled at him and went to place my flowers in my new vase. I stood there admiring the flowers.

"So I take it your date went well with Dean last night," Mike stated behind me.

I turned around to see him looking at the flowers. He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. Feeling a little awkward. I just nodded my head. Why was I feeling so weird discussing Dean with Mike? He is one of my best friends. I should be able to talk to him about anything.

I glanced over at him. He was leaning against the door frame of the kitchen. His eyes trained on me. There was sadness in them. I didn't know why. I was just about to ask him what was wrong when my phone rang. I grabbed it off the table. It was a number I did not recognize. I hesitated in answering it.

"Hello," I said apprehensively

"Did you like the flowers?" It was Dean. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice.

"Yes, I did thank you." my voice was low and breathy.

"I'm glad to hear it. We should talk. I am leaving the office a little early today. Can I come to pick you up around 5 pm?" he asked

"Yes. I have no plans."

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

I was about to answer when I notice Mike was standing there watching me. Did I detect jealousy in his eyes? I turned my back to him.

"I slept well, considering the events of last night." I almost whispered on the phone.

"Did you eat?" his voice sounds so nice over the phone

"Yes." was all I was able to get out.

"Good Girl."

The way he said good girl set fire to the deepest part of my body. I sighed and sat down on the chair so I didn't pass out on my kitchen floor.

"I have to go, baby. But I will be there at five. I will see you then."

"OK. Bye baby." I said and hung up the phone.

Oh my God, that man does things to me! I looked up from the table and glanced at the doorway. Mike wasn't there anymore. I walked into the living room to see Tracy sitting on the couch doing her nails.

"Where did Mike go?" I asked her

"He left. He said something came up and that he will call us later. He was acting a little weird." was all she said.

She was too busy filing her long nails. Why would Mike just leave without saying goodbye to me? That wasn't like him. I was starting to get the sinking feeling that it had something to do with Dean. Oh no. He was probably mad because I was dating a white man. I really hope that is not the reason because I really like Dean. I think Mike and I should talk. But right now I am going to relax before my boyfriend gets here.

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