I place a hand to my chest, "Johanna, sweet as always. What do you have open today for Christina and I?" 

"For you, anything. We aren't too busy nowadays, I might just need a new commercial." 

She leads us back to the familiar changing area, which has swimsuits and bath robes of all sizes. 

As Christina and I change, I ask, "So, what all are we doing?" 


We both laugh, pulling the robes over us, "There are other customers, you know." 

"So we can do stuff with them, duh!" Christina displays a silly smile as we walk back out, Johanna waiting. 

"As usual, massage first. Then face mask and mani/pedi's, and lastly, the jacuzzi." 

I gasp, "Johanna! You always spoil us." 

She laughs, "Nothing better for my star client." 

She brings us over to the massage tables, and I laugh when I see one with an indention in it, for pregnant women I assume. 

The curtains around the tables close for a second, I take off my robe, and lay down. The towel is placed over my bottom half. 

"You ready Chris?" I ask. 


Our masseuses open the curtains just enough so we can see each other, and we both turn our heads. Every time we get massages together, we make sure to face each other. It's kind of an ongoing joke now. 

"Damn, your boobs have grown!" Christina exclaims, looking at me. 

My cheeks flush, "Chris, there are other people here right now. You can't just say that kind of thing." 

"I know, but pregnancy has done you good." 

I lift up my head, and hit it on the rest, "Stop it!" 

"Whatever, you should be proud." 

I shake my head, "I should stop taking you places. You are such a handful." 

"Of course. How's the boyfriend?" 

I smile, thinking of Tobias, "Wonderful as always, putting up with his emotional girlfriend. How's the baby daddy?" 

"Annoying. You already know he has me on house arrest. But he isn't here so who cares." 

I laugh, "You know he just loves you, right? T-Four is just as protective over me." 

She sighs, "I know, but even you know I can't just lounge around for nine months." 

"You are too 'Christina' to be boring. I get it, I am almost six months pregnant with twins and I go out more days than not." 

She laughs, "That probably isn't good." 

I shrug, well, attempt to, as the masseuse rubs my shoulders, "I have been fine so far, Four trusts me." 

She sighs, "Will doesn't trust me with anything. But, I don't want to talk about that. We are finding out the gender in a few weeks, that's more exciting!" 

"That's amazing! Are you thinking of names yet?" 

"Not quite yet, I wanted to get suggestions from everyone." Christina responds. 

I think for a second, "Really, I would expect a name like Princess from you." 

She laughs, "I said that once in high school, that doesn't mean I meant it!" 

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