Chapter 10

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I look at Four with worrisome eyes,"I- I don't know what to say. Its just so awful." I can't find any better words to say what I'm feeling.

He half smiles,"It's just nice to know someone cares." I can tell, in his eyes, there is real, genuine trust in me. It's a look I don't get from just everyone. 

Most people I know just see me as,"That one actress Tris Prior." All I see from them is wanting and excitement, but in Four's eyes... I can't describe how amazing it makes me feel. 

I hold his hand,"Do you want me to stay? I know you don't have anyone else." He looks at our hands, and a smile creeps up his lips. "I do. You might be the only one who cares about me." 

My eyes start to water. Sometimes it can't quite get through my head that all he has ever known is hate and pain. He couldn't have friends. His father even had control of his phone. He's never been with anyone else. 

"I'll call Christina to bring my things over. I'm going to go grab some lunch from the cafe, would you like anything?" I say as I stand back up. He thinks,"Cake. Dauntless cake." 

I smile,"Coming right up." Before I can leave, he grabs my wrist. 

"Thank you, Tris." 

"No need to thank me. You would do it for me if it was the other way around."

I walk out, with my hat and sunglasses back on. I see the man who tried to catch me earlier wondering the halls. Quickly and quietly, I slip into the elevator. 

Nobody else joins me, so I close the doors and hit the button for the ground floor. As before, the elevator is creaking and old. I shouldn't trust it, but I can't risk getting caught by someone on the stairs. 

The elevator dings, and the doors open. I step out, to a now crowded lobby, and follow the signs to the cafe. I get Fours cake first. The woman slicing it kept giving me funny looks, but never said anything. I'm guessing she might've recognized me... or she is wondering why I have on a hat and sunglasses on a cloudy day, indoors. 

Then, I get a burger and 2 cokes. As fast as I can, I get out of there and return to Fours room. 

When I arrive a nurse is taking his blood pressure. "Hey Tr-um, Katie." He says. I give him a look for almost revealing me. 

When the nurse leaves, I hand him the cake. "Thanks Tris, sorry about that." I sit down with my burger,"It's no problem I just might've punched you."

He rolls his eyes. "Feisty Tris. Say, I thought actresses were supposed to be all fit and stuff." Four eyes my burger. I take a huge bite,"I work out... as long as I'm moderately healthy it doesn't matter to me."

He laughs,"If that's how you see it, I shouldn't judge." I take another bite. It may be hospital food, but nothing beats a good burger. 

Four suddenly stops eating, and looks straight in my eyes. I raise an eyebrow,"Like what you see?" He shakes his head, and smiles a little bit,"Tobias." 

I tilt my head,"Huh?"

"It's my real name. Not the name of the me that kept secrets and was pushed around by his dad." 

I smile,"Well then, Tobias," I start, testing it on my tongue,"You should know my real name. Not the name of the actress." 

He smiles wider,"And that is."


"I like that,'Beatrice'. I'm gonna call you Bea." He says, clearly happy. 

I smile. I'm his Bea. I'm only his little Bea.

"Well Toby, I'm gonna call Christina in the hallway, will you be okay?" I ask, standing up. 

"I'll be ok as long as you come back," He says with a grin. I set down my burger and head in to the hallway. I make sure I am clear from the stupid paparazzi, and call Christina. 

She picks up milliseconds after I dial. "Hey bestie what do you need?" she answers. "My stuff. Can you bring me some clothes and toiletries?"

"Um... where and why may I ask?" she responds, a hinting tone in her voice. 

I sigh,"The hospital, room 4610. I'm staying with T-Four." 

I pull the phone away, waiting for it. She squeals so loud I can hear it three feet from my head...and it's not even on speaker phone. 

"Stop freaking out. We've had a really hard time, this is not a day for fan girling over your stupid FourTris ship." I scold her. She groans,"Fine. I'll be there in 30." 

I hang, up and go back in the room. Tobias is licking his plate clean. "Dog." I say, when he puts the plate down. 

He gives me puppy dog eyes,"But it tasted so good!" I laugh,"Ok, it was a little bit cute. Say, why aren't you more depressed or something about this situation?" 

I almost regret asking, but he doesn't react badly. "Because of you. Because you are here Bea, to keep me sane." 

I turn as red as a tomato,"Such a romantic." He wiggles his eyebrows making me giggle. 

Right now, I want nothing more than to be with him. Well, maybe I want to be his.

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