Chapter 30

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"And please welcome our next guest, the one and only, Tris Prior!" Helen announces, waving her hand in my direction. 

I step out, the spotlight directly on me, for every step. I smile and wave, the usual, "I am so happy to be here!" 

I find my way over to the infamous blue chair, and sit down, tugging my cardigan over my stomach. Helen looks at me, with her dazzling host smile plastered on her face. 

"So, can we get right into the nitty gritty?" She asks, giving me a smirk. 

"Hello, how are you doing?" I reply sarcastically, getting a laugh from the audience, and a little bit of a glare from Helen. 

"Well, I think I am not the only one to say, we are very excited to hear what really happened with this Cory Rose scandal. Can you give us the rundown, and don't spare any detail?" 

I nervously laugh, "Well, there really is one true story, despite what Cory says. She wanted a piece of my boyfriend, and instead of telling me how she felt, she decided the best solution would be to try and seduce Four, which he stupidly fell for. I am on okay terms with him now, even if we are not a couple, but I don't think I could ever forgive Cory for acting like such a...such a slut." 

I get the ridiculous, "OOH!" from the the crowd. 

"Is that too strong of a word, you might think? Maybe she just didn't know how to express her feelings?" Helen suggests, raising an eyebrow. 

I shrug, "If you would have been there, you would have seen how she was acting. She was being flirty, trying to flaunt her 'boobs', and biting her lip. Cory would have told me how she felt if she was a real friend. So yes, I am calling her a slut." 

"Well, I guess we know how you really feel then." She says, her eyes wide. 

I shrug, leaning back in my chair. 

"Well, how has your relationship with Four been?" She asks, putting a finger to her chin. 

"Honestly, for the first couple of months I did not even want to talk to him. I shut him down every time." I admit, looking to my feet. 


"I got extremely frustrated one night, and passed out. There was a lot leading up to that moment though. I went to the hospital for a day, but I was fine with that," I explain, "Over the last few days we have really reconnected. I wouldn't say I have completely forgiven him, but we are definitely more comfortable with each other." 

"How much do you expect him to do to make up for his, dare I say, despicable actions?" Helen taunts. 

I laugh, "His actions were not despicable, rather just stupid. I feel like it will just take time for me to trust him as much." 

"Well that sounds respectable. Now, let's backtrack, can I ask what else lead to you passing out from just frustration?" Helen smiles, eager for the true answer. 

"Oh, okay, I guess it is time to say it." I look down in the crowd for Christina, and she gives me a reassuring nod. 

"Please, go on!" She leans closer. 

"Well...I am having twins!" I announce. 

The whole set erupts in clapping and cheering. I feel overwhelmed with joy, seeing such a positive reaction from the crowd. 

Helen's jaw has dropped to the floor, her eyes perched wide open.

"Oh my god! I am assuming Four's baby, so... you are around 12 weeks already?" She says, obviously still in shock. 

I grin, "Yup!" 

The studio audience still has not simmered down all the way, which I expected might happen. 

"Well, Congratulations! I am so happy for you!" Helen leans over to give me a hug. 

I did it, I finally revealed the one secret that has been weighing on my shoulders, I finally feel relieved. 


Since I am super late on Christmas here you go XD

"Trissy-poooo! It's time to wake up!" Uriah yells from my door. 

I stretch, not so gracefully, and sit up, my hair in my face. "Wow, you look like a mess." He remarks, obviously unfiltered. 

I give him a death glare, "Asshole." 

"Love you." He skips downstairs. 

We have everybody here for Christmas, saying that I have a house built for our friends gatherings. Everybody has their own rooms here, although usually the couples sleep in the same room. 

I finger-comb my hair, and wrap my fleece blanket around my shoulders. When I look downstairs from the top of the stairs, I see everybody but Christina and Will sitting in the living room playing with Izzy and Nala. 

I trudge down the stairs, still have asleep. "She has awaken!" Marlene yells out, pointing to me. 

I laugh, "Beauty sleep is more precious than Christmas presents." 

"You shut your pansycake mouth!" Uriah yells. 

I roll my eyes, and go to sit beside Tobias. It took a bit of arguing with the gang to let him come over for Christmas, but eventually they gave in when I played the "I am pregnant and hormonal" card. 

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." He chuckles. 

I just grunt in response, and lay across the rest of the couch, my feet resting on his lap. 

"Who are we waiting on again?" I ask, peeking out from my blanket burrito. 

"Will and Christina." Zeke says, while pacing beside the stairs. 

"I wonder why. Wink. Wink." Shauna laughs. 

"I know! You'd think they could be quieter. 'Oh Will! I love you!" Lynn imitates Christina, making us all laugh. 

"Hey! I never said that!" Her voice rings out from upstairs, making us all laugh harder. 

I sit up to make room for them on the couch. Christina sits beside me, wrapped in a blanket burrito like yours truly. 

"Great! Let's get started on presents!" Uriah yells, acting very much like a child. 

"You are handing them out." Marlene orders her boyfriend. 

"As always." 

He shoves the shiny presents around, handing everybody one to start with. 

"I say we start with our gracious host." Zeke announces. 

"Gladly." I mumble, looking at the tiny box. The label reads, To: Tris From: Your favorite Chrissy-poo. 

"Thank you Chrissy!" I give her a quick hug, before tearing into the wrapping paper. I open the box, revealing an absolutely gorgeous bracelet with garnet gems on it. 

"Oh my God! This is amazing, and it's my birthstone!" I say, pulling it out of the box. Christina clips it onto my wrist, and I admire the look. 

"You're welcome my darling." She gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

Time skip brought to you by Theo James Hotness

In the end, we all got a gift from every other person. I got the bracelet from Christina, baby clothes and clothes for me, that matched from Uriah and Marlene, Lynn got me a new set of various earrings, I got a ring that has not a pansycake engraved on the inner part, from Zeke, Shauna got me two pairs of killer shoes, and Four got me a necklace that has an infinity symbol, and says forever and always on the back. In all honesty, I loved Tobias' gift the best. 

I still have Christmas with my parents later today, but for now, I am hanging out with my friends. "Who's up for making Christmas cookies?" Christina suggests. 

The Pedridiots cheer, and run into the kitchen. "Don't burn the house down!" I yell at them, dragging myself up from the couch. 

Of course, Christmas is perfect with friends like these. 

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