Chapter 12

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2 weeks later

Tobias is leans back in my passenger seat, falling asleep. He finally was released earlier today, and I decided he would live with me for now.

As I pull out of the crowded parking lot, Tobias begins to snore. I laugh, he is so cute when he sleeps. The drive isn't too long, and I may have been speeding a bit, so I get there in record time.

Vivi runs out to help me with Tobias' bags, letting him sleep while we do so. Once we get them all in, I shake his shoulder,"Wake up sleepy head!" He groans, sitting up,"Do I really have too?"

I giggle,"Yes! We set up a room for you, don't you want to see it?" He opens his eyes, smiling as he looks up at me,"Of course." I help him out, and lock the doors behind us as we go inside. He leans against me, still very weak. It's so odd thinking such a tough man like Tobias could need help from someone as small and meek as me.

I bring him through the elevator, and lead him through the hall. We set his room as close to mine as possible. I can see the gratitude on his expression as he walks in. 

" Tris this is amazing!" Tobias exclaims. I smile,"I tried to make it great for you. I'm glad it's ,'wow' " He laughs, working his way around the room. We gave him a king size memory foam bed, and a full stocked closet. The walls are painted navy blue and have some old pictures they found in his house on the walls. 

Tobias plops down in his bed, laying back. "I love you." He blurts. My face immediately flushes. "Tobias... I-" I can't think straight, as if my mind is covered in a blanket.

"Oh my god I just said that out loud." He sits up, glancing nervously at me. "Tobias I... I love you too." I respond, sitting beside him. He smiles, looking into my eyes. I can feel my face must be as red as tomatoes by now. 

Without warning he gifts me a soft, sweet kiss on the cheek. "You missed." I say. He tilts his head,"I did? What do you mean?" 

"I said you missed!" I repeat, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. He kisses back, and I have never felt more amazing. I pull back,"Thank you." What are you supposed to say when you just had your first meaningful kiss with the guy you love? 

He smiles,"That's that, I had to do it at some point didn't I?" I laugh,"I guess so..." Vivi walks in through the door,"Are you two ok?"

"Never better!" I reply,  my cheeks still cherry red. She smiles at us, obviously knowing what happened, and walks out.

He looks at me lovingly,"I really do love you."
"I love you too Tobias. But for now, get some rest. You'll need it."

And with that I walk out, smiling like a child.


I turn over on my bed, after a much needed nap. My arms stretch out to the sky, waking me up.

I sit up, and rub my eyes. Yup, I definitely needed that nap. I stretch again, and walk out. When I walk past Tobias' room, I see his bed is empty and sheets are flipped aside. He must've gone downstairs, or gotten something to eat.

I walk down, and see Vivi talking to him on the couch.  "Are you sure?" I hear her say, before noticing me peeking at them.

Tobias gives a quick nod, and Vivi walks off. I plop onto the couch, and sigh.

"What was that about?"
He shrugs, "Just talking. She interviewed me like she was your mother." I laugh,"Vivi is like a second mother to me. How did you sleep?"

"Great, I can't thank you enough for taking me in. I always though by the time I was an adult that I would be in my own house." He replies.

"That's ok. Speaking of which, how long do you want to stay? I dont care how long, so it's up to you." I question him.

"I guess it depends on how long it takes me to get better."

He leans back on the couch, and I lay on his lap. "I invited your friends over." He says. "Do you really want to deal with them right now? I mean, they are a little..." my words trail off, trying to find a good description.

"Crazy? Weird? Extremely loud and utterly annoying?" Tobias answers for me. I laugh,"Perfect. Among other things, they are kind and funny. It's a perfect combination."

Almost exactly on cue I hear the front door burst open. "HELLO TRISSY-POO!" Uriah yells, running to the couch.

I growl at him,"How many times did I tell you not to call me trissy-poo!"

He cowers back, he's such a dork. "Marlene! Make your boyfriend shut up!" I tell her as she hugs me. I guess everyone came today.

After the wave of hugs and kisses, we arrange ourselves on the couches. Somehow, I ended up laying across Tobias, Christina and Shauna on one of the couches.

"Can we do something fun?!" Uriah complains. I glance at him,"Is my presence not fun enough for you?"

"It is for me." Tobias says, looking at my head in his lap. I smile,"Ditto."

Christina let's out an ear piercing squeal. "Is this finally a thing?"

I sit up into Tobias' lap,"Is it... Four?" I ask. He gives me a sweet kiss on the lips,"Yes. It is."

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