Chapter 18

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We pull up to the bar, and get out. "Come on Christina! Let's go!" I yell over the music, that we can already hear outside.

"I know, I know." She replies, practically hopping out of the car. Everyone follows quickly.

Christina and Will lead us in, and we are met by stares from every one in the room. A bit uncomfortable, but most of us are used to it.

Christina walks up to a worker,"Hey, we are here for Christina Kravitz birthday party?"

His eyes widen,"Uhhhhh... ABSOLUTELY!" I bite my lip to keep from laughing. He reacted like a teenage girl.

We follow him into a back room, with a small bar and barista, and a larger table in the middle. "Um.. H-Hello. I am John, I will be your uh, waiter.. er server for eating of the foods?" He stutters.

Uriah the idiot bursts out laughing,"Can't speak English? Or just not a good talker?" I give him the look. You know, the look your mother would give you if you misbehaved in public and she couldn't beat your ass right then and there.

The only difference is that I kicked him hard in the leg under the table. "I'm sorry, just a little.. surprised I guess. Can I have just a minute?" He asks, redfaced.

"Absolutely! Take your time." Marlene says, giving him that award winning smile, and sweet voice.

As soon as he leaves I stomp right up and out of my chair and walk straight up to Uriah. "URIAH PEDRAD! What in the hell possessed  you to be so rude to him?"

He cowers back in his chair,"It was funny! I-I'm sorry."

"As soon as he gets back in here you will apologize! And you better give him a good damn tip!" I order, before sitting back down in my seat.

I can see the barista in the corner laughing, and I give her a quick smile. "Can I get a martini?"
She nods, getting to work quick.

The waiter comes back in, calm and composed. "I'm sorry." Uriah mumbles. John shrugs,"I don't mind, my fault. Anyway, I'm ready now. What kind of foods would you be liking? Today we are doing a 2 for 10 on 10 piece boneless wings."

We end up ordering a whole mess of buffalo, garlic parm, and teriyaki wings. Zeke orders 3 baskets of mozzerella sticks for some reason. Eh, its Zeke, what do you expect.

I grab my martini off of the baristas stand, and take a fairly large swig. Nights with the Pedridiots are hard.

Christina and I start talking,"I'm thinking about settling down,"She starts,"Although the first step would be Will letting me move in, and I don't know about that. He is such a nervous guy."

I shrug,"I mean, you guys have been together for 3 years, I think it would be a good time. Me on the other hand, I could wait a little while longer to start a family and settle down."

She rolls her eyes,"Yeah, but the only guy you dated before hot stuff over there was Eric, and we all know what a disaster he was." Christina regrets saying it at soon as it comes out of her mouth.

My eyes start to tear up,"Seriously Christina. Never say that again." She frowns,"I'm sorry. It just came out. Ignore that and keep drinking."

I take another huge drink of my Martini, almost done now. I can feel it getting to me, which most of the time feels nice.

I sit back, just as John the server gets back. Uriah yells,"YES!" When the buffalo wings are placed in front of him.

I laugh like a child,"How old are you Uriah? It's just some chicken wings!" He ignores me and puts almost half of the tray on his plate.

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