Chapter 38

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"Tris, sweetie, it's time to get up." I hear Tobias' soft voice whisper in my ear. 

I shiver, a small smile on my face, "Good morning handsome." 

He pulls me closer to him. "Good morning beautiful." 

I laugh, snuggling into his chest. 

"We really have to get up babe, people will be here soon." He says, still quiet as ever. 

I sigh, turning flat on my back. I know what he is talking about, our house is getting put on the market. Most of our things are packed up in boxes, and put in the garage and attic. Today is the first house tour, and I can't tell if I'm excited or not. 

Tobias gets up before me, and walks to his room. I get up after he shuts the door, and get dressed in a nice shirt, leggings and black flats. I do some minimal makeup, and put my hair in a ponytail. 

My eyes glance to the clock, noticing there is only thirty minutes till the appointment is scheduled for the first couple. I tidy up my bed sheets, clean little things in my room, and run through the house as much as I can to make sure everything is still clean. Vivvy did a great job cleaning here, I am going to miss her, and her personality, so much. 

I stop for a second, catching my breath. Running so much while pregnant is not a good idea. "Tris? Are you ready?" Tobias yells from upstairs. 

"Yeah! Come on!" I yell back, standing straight. 

I hear his footsteps down the stairs, a quick rhythm. His arms grasp around my back, catching me by surprise. I laugh, leaning back into his body. His hands wrap around to my stomach, placing both hands on my bump. 

We start swaying back and forth, Tobias humming an indecipherable tune in my ears. My eyes close, and I move against him, relaxing. We stay like this for who knows how long, before he stops. 

"I love you, Beatrice Prior." 

I smile, "I love you too, Tobias Eaton." 

Our moment is ruined by the doorbell  ringing, and I reluctantly step away. 

Tobias unlocks the door, while I go to sit on the couch. Our realtor runs in, out of breath, "I am so sorry I am late! I accidentally slept through my alarm, but I still made it. How much time do we have?"

Tobias laughs, "Calm down, you are fine. We have ten minutes till they are scheduled, no need to rush." 

She smiles, "Thank goodness," and goes to sit down on the couch beside me. 

"How are you feeling Miss. Prior?" She asks. 

"Great, really, time has been flying, I can't believe I am already twenty weeks along, that's almost five months!" 

"That's fantastic! Now, I'm sure the couple will be here any second now, are you ready?" 

I stand up, smoothing down my outfit, "Yes I am, if a bit nervous." 

We all go to the door, and Tobias stands with his arms around me. As soon as the doorbell rings, I put on, what I call, the 'red carpet smile'. 

The couple walks in, all smiles, and the wife holds a toddler on her hip. "Hello Angela and John! Oh, and how is little Annabella doing?" Sarah says. 

"We are doing fantastic! I am so excited to see this house!" Angela says. 

I walk forward, "Hello, I am the current owner, Tris Prior." 

They both smile, and Annabella squeals, "Twis?" 

Angela bounces her daughter up on her hip, "Yes, I am very excited to not only meet you, but to see this house." 

Tobias steps up behind me, "And I think we are very excited to move." 

Sarah walks over, "Great, now if we would like to dive in, we can start by looking at the living room!" 


"This was amazing!" John says, a smile on his face. 

Sarah, our realtor, grins, "I sure think so as well! 9 bedrooms,  various entertainment rooms, it's everything you could ever want!"

"Now, I know this is everything we have ever wanted, but what's the price?" Angela asks. 

"Right now, the price is set at $10, 460,000." 

Angela gasps, "That is so amazing! It is also two million dollars under our budget!" 

I smile, "We are looking to sell as soon as possible, and the move in date will be in two months." 

"Give us a moment." John says. The walk over a little bit farther, their daughter skipping behind them. 

"I think this is looking good." Tobias whispers in my ear. 

I turn to him, "Yes, yes it is." 

After a few more minutes, they come back, and John speaks up, "We would like to make an offer for $10, 500, 000." 


1 month time skip brought to you by Theo James smexyiness

I crawl out of bed, relaxed. I know we have more packing to do today, but I might be lazy and make the boys do the work. "Tobias?" I call out. 

"Yes darling?" I hear him call from outside of the room, and then there are footsteps. 

"Can I just... go over to Christina's or something? I am not feeling up for packing today." 

He walks over and stands in my doorway, "You can really do whatever you want, may I ask why you aren't feeling great?" 

I shrug, "Just tired, I guess. You, Zeke, Uriah and Will can work on it." 

He laughs, "I'm tired too, but I can't blame you. Go ahead, Christina hasn't seen you enough lately anyways." 

I let him leave before cheering, and get up to change. I put on a loose sweatshirt and sweatpants, because I don't want to dress up, and it is too much of a hassle. I brush out my hair, and put it in a messy bun, then slip on some boots. 

Lastly, my phone and keys are shoved in my bag before heading downstairs. "Goodbye Tobias!"  I yell out, wherever he is. 

His voice is distant, "Bye babe!" 

I walk out, and go into the van. It will take some time to adjust to a bigger vehicle, because all of my other cars are smaller. I remote-start the car, and get in the front, my purse thrown in the passenger seat. 

Finally, I pull out of the driveway,excited for a day of relaxation with my best friend. 

Hey initiates! This was more of a filler than anything. By the way, I actually looked up accurate prices, and the house I have created for Tris would be more than ten million dollars, but I didn't want to make it ridiculous. Ew, adulting. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Stay brave! 

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