Character description

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(They are all 15)

Christy styles- blue eyes light brown hair with natural blonde highlights up to her waist with turquoise (but more blue) dip dye and her favourite colours are purple and blue - can play lots of instruments but guitar the best really well can sing but can't dance brothers are all of 1D and mysterious Alfie the vain one of the triplets

Freya styles-blue eyes shoulder length dirty blonde hair with a luminous pink dip dye lets just say miss chapman (not Aliyah btw) didn't ship it favourite colour green gold and dark blue plays keyboard and guitar can sing and dance brothers same as christy the sporty one of the triplets

Talia styles- green eyes red hair dip dyed orange a bit shorter than shoulder length hair to look like fire favourite colours turquoise and gold plays only guitar and can dance and sing brothers same as Freya the clever one of the triplets

Aliyah chapman- brown hair with an ombré dip dye up to her waist with a baby fringe,blue eyes that you can't see that well through her big geeky dramatic glasses favourite colours purple can't dance and can sing ok she thinks but she's actually really good can also play the keyboard brothers Jim chapman

Lucy irwin- blue eyes black waist length hair with 2 glow in the dark highlights favourite colours black can sing really well and can play lots of instruments like christy brothers all of 5sos

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