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*** in da car **$

"Turn the radio up now" talia and Freya demanded u go girl thts how u say It I mean yeah it is there car and stuff but we have rights because we're much more awesome than them even though they have quite a big house with a gap in the middle with a bridge double ? "Wow" we said in unison sarcastically " what aren't you gonna start fangirling over our house" they said "no ovbs not" I say "show me to our Rooms"we said in unison they looked freaked out lol "now go you peasants go and horizontal run onwards" Freya commanded (a/n anyone watch pitch perfect comment who's ur fave person ) commence us lying down and horizontal running "what r u doing" Louis asked us "horizontal running like fat Patricia" talia said then burst out laughing with us lol that sh!t is soo Funny "girls sAy what ???" Niall says going all sassy whoa he's turning into Louis lol I'm so strange but funny oh yeah.

"Ok let's do this sh!t" I yell "christy" Liam said in a stern tone "shutthefuckupcuznoonecareswhatyouaresayingooooohhhhhhh" Freya sasses oh yeah you go girl (a/n @iloveeskimo2 only awesome people under stand ) "so show us are rooms you peasants"we say at the same time "ok so your house thing is across this bridge here's your keys 2 each and so here's your kitchen if you go through this door it's the pantry and if you go through this door it's your living room and upstairs are your rooms and the 2 guest bedrooms they're quite plain there's a lift for you and no stairs and your rooms are just white and you can decorate them tomorrow and buy the stuff when you go shopping with the girls and Rosie tomorrow " Liam spoke shutting everyone up

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