Cartie ???

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****@ school****

"So this week you all have to get in groups of 3 or 4 singers" mr dednyski said to us all "and you will also have just music and singing lessons all this week no proper lessons so don't bring your books and all week you will NOT be getting any lessons with me-" "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I thought whispered but obviously shouted cus everyone turned round and stared at me "as I was saying before I got rudely interrupted you will get no proper HMW cus u will just need to practice 4 the talent show at the end of the week now choose your names " he shouted the last bit "cartie" me talia and Freya said at exactly the same time looking at each other even though were already in a group we haven't had a name so the c from Christy a from Freya and talia r from Freya and Christy t from Christy and talia I from talia and Christy e from Freya "oh and there's going to be a talent show at the end of this week and the girl solo/group winner will sing a song at the end with the boy solo/group winner"

*l8ter tht week*

"boys help we need someone to hold the camera so tht we can actually play our instruments and sing our song titanium me playing the piano and Talia and Freya playing acoustic guitars even though we all play the same level of the same instruments they want to move about more in this video were making for the talent show 

On the app video star "ok so when we start a new verse change the affect but also because we are taking it in turns to sing do auto stop after ever verse because we need to change places when were singing and they stand. When I sit in the middle of them playing the piano and they are around me always use the multi rainbow 1 for the chorus thank you Niall " when I said that I saw Talia blush I still have to ask her bout that "who's famous that will be coming in this week ?" I ask innocently looking at Talia and Freya the whole time he was replying "so there's going to be us Conor Maynard Justin beiber and Austin Mahone are the celeb guests that will hear you sing " hhhhmmmm when he said us Talia blushed defo loves Niall then when he said j.b Freya blushed I'm also sure I blushed when he said Austin Mahone

*after the last person performed *

"And the winners are ......" aaahhh I no were good singers but I mean might be winning the final Of our school omg omg omg kk calm down "and there is no boy winner so the girl group would sing with 3 celebs of their choice " .........,...... "we'll the lucky people are ...drum roll please " omg hurry up we want to know ""....Cartie " oh hi um yh who won finally it sunk in "we won" then we squealed REALLY loudly I know they don't like that but we fvcking won "so who do you want to sing with" we had a group hug then Talia said my choice 


I said Freya's  

"Justin " 

Then Freya said talias  

"Niall "

they ??? **COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now