"I don't mind."I replied with a shrug as I looked at him.

He looked at me and pursed his lips. "This isn't one of those mind games of yours are they?"

"Since when do I play mind games?"I said with a scoff as I looked at him.

He let out a sigh. "Let's go to Dolce and gobanna and find Ebony a really nice dress for her birthday."

"Let's go!"

We walked down to the store of dolce and gobanna, Royce pushed the door open and walked in as I walked in after him.

Royce looked at the racks of dresses so was I, looking for the perfect dress for ebony.

Royce pulled out a gold dress and held it up. "What do you think?"

I looked at it, it was so beautiful and dazzling. "It's amazing."

He looked at the dress then looked at me. "It'll suit her eye colour too and I can imagine her face when she sees it."

I wish I had a guy like Royce, remembering ever little thing about me and what I loved.

"Yeah it will."

He looked at me. "But can you try it please?"

"Yeah sure."

He handed me the dress and I walked to the changing rooms with him behind me.

He stood up leaning against the wall as I walked into the changing room and got changed into the dress.

I opened the curtain and walked out to see Royce stood there and he looked at me. "O-Oh my.."


"It looks amazing."

"She's gunna love it for sure."I said with a nod. "I'm gunna get out of it."

I turned around and walked into the changing room, I did the curtains and got changed then I walked out holding the dress.

There was a shirt, just left on the chairs provided and I picked it up and looked at Royce.

This would suit him so much.

He looked at me. "Let's pay for it Amal."

"Aren't you going to wear something nice too?"

"What do you mean?"

"If ebony is going to be all dressed up for it shouldn't you?"

"What have you got in your mind?"

I held up the shirt and looked at him. "This would."

"Are you sure?"

I threw the shirt at him. "Never been so sure in my life."

He let out a chuckle then walked backwards then he walked into the changing room and looked at me. "Sit down."

I let out a annoyed sigh and looked at him. "I'm not a dog okay, I'm not just gunna sit okay!"

He let out a soft chuckle. "One of the many reasons why I missed you."


"You've seen really angry and upset today."Royce said as he placed the pizza box on the coffee table. "Care to explain?"

"You are seeing this."I said then placed my hand on the pizza box.

Royce picked up the pizza and stood up, I stood up trying to get the pizza off him but because of him being so tall I couldn't reach it.

I sat down and let out a sigh. "Just fuck off."

He looked at me and placed the pizza box on the coffee table. "Tell me what's wrong por favor."

"It's nothing."

Holding back my tears, not wanting to cry or say anything about anything.

"Tell me now Amal."He said as he sat down next to me. "We've been friends for too long for me to know somethings up."

I looked at him. "You know that song you made?"

"Which one? I've made loads."

"Soy el mismo."

He nodded and took a hold of my hand. "What about it?"

"That was all your feelings in that sing wasn't it?"I asked as my eyes brimmed with tears. "Of what you felt when you didn't have that person around and when you finally saw them?"

He gave my hand a little squeeze. "Yeah it was why?"

A tear rolled down my face, he brought his thumb to my face and he wiped it away. "Tell me Amal."

I let out a sniff. "Because all of that Chris quoted it on me and ever since that day he came I feel like shit."

"I knew there was something going on between you two."Royce confessed as he looked at me. "I could sense it so could Maluma."

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you but I don't know what to feel anymore, I feel lost like there is nothing anymore."

Royce wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled me into a hug. "It's fine."

"I really like Zabdiel too but what Chris said, it's like those feelings can't turn themselves off nor can what I feel for Chris."

"It's understandable."

I looked up at him. "He's always on my mind, the pain the hurt he's put me through it replays in my mind every second of the day."

"It's hard, you think it wouldn't happen but it does even after days, months and years it still hurts. It's like a wound that never closed opened itself but more worse."

"Can't this pain, this hurt whatever I'm feeling just go?"

"I know you want it to go but it give time and give the whole thing time and it'll sort itself out."

"How do you know?"

"Because you'll follow your heart."

Sorry for the late update, it's just I'm going through so much and I'm going my work experience too. It's hard and I know I should be consistent on updating and I'm trying to.

Thank you for putting up with me

Thanks for reading.

Besos x

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