Beaten Reality

46 12 28

"Her heart dances to the
rhythm of both her favorites ;
Coffee and books.
She's put on the ground,
But in her fantasies she isn't."

Coffee's odor lingering in the air,
Seeping through the open lid,
Securing her strength to place,
flooding her senses with much needed energy.

Book's ravishing smell,
Calling her entire being,
Like a magician casting his spell,
Her soul's under the control of an unstoppable addiction.

Alone crumbled in a corner,
Eyes fixed to the words flowing like an endless river,
drowning her in another world ;

Where she can swim freely like dancing stars in milky galaxies,
One where magic is real,
madness is no big deal,
No limits to her roaming mind,
Where she can be a dandelion swiftly swaying to the breeze.

Left hand lazily slung around her magic potion,
that one that keeps her awake all night,
Cramming her head with much more wakeful dreams.

And just for a moment it's as though she've beaten reality ,
Completely drifting to another dimension of interweaved magnificence and insanity.


Guess who was my inspirationa? XD


You're standing alone in a room with no doors, the roof is paper-thin cotton plants , the floors are drunk dancing bees, the walls bluish caterpillars eating carrots dipped in fish sobs,
What's my favorite plain nescafé or hazelnut nescafé? What your sort of escape a snorting llama or a dancing couple of dog and cat? How do pigs fly from their mouths or their tails?
What's the color of transparent?

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