Not Just A Noun

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"It doesn't have certain conditions you have to follow. it doesn't have an ascribed description and that's it. Could be a place, a person, a job, perhaps a paper on which your words flow nonstop. One could take years to find it, one could die without finding that safe heaven."

What's home, you ask me?

It's not just a front yard,

four walls


You're settled.

It's where you're mask-free

Where your secrets are hostages of every corner

Never to be out;

For trust ties them miles deep.

Where the walls echo with your laughter

Memories hard to collect;

For they're as much as a perpetual sea.

What's home you ask me?

It's where you can truly be,

Not just a noun ,

Not just a door with its key

and you have it.


It's so much more.



I am dying.

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