Haunting Devilish Thoughts

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“Always pity the overthinkers, for their minds are never empty from these venomous whispers.”

Were her thoughts  visible
they'd be
a churning sea during
   a mad  storm.

These triggering  sentences
without a full stop,
These open endings they left her with,
They ring so loudly in her head,
They stretch to haunting devilish thoughts.
Her head writes up some fiction,
Ones which shall never occur. 
Fogs up her vision
and clouds her judgements
to the point of being lost
in her
own mind.
This overthinking
drives her  insane,
She has got some chattery
reckless doubts.

Her head was one
so hard to be tamed.
One always flaming
with perpetual blames.

She feared what she doesn't understand,
She feared this overthinking mind,
She feared herself and
what shall be, 

Were her thoughts a book
it'd have been
One hell of a complicated story.


I'm actually so sleepy rn to think of anything so I'll leave you with a fact about me that makes no sense so nvm,

I love oats so much that I don't want to eat the oats but I want to eat them because I love oats.

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