If my name was whisky (Wynonna x reader)

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Request: Wynnona Earp x fem!reader + "If My Name Was Whiskey" by Carly Pearce: Angst and maybe fluff for reconciliation at the end

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Request: Wynnona Earp x fem!reader + "If My Name Was Whiskey" by Carly Pearce: Angst and maybe fluff for reconciliation at the end


When you got off work at five I'd be the first thing on your mind every time.

And if I wasn't where you thought I'd be you'd drive around 'til you found me if it took all night.

You'd press me to your lips say you never felt like this and I'd be all you'd need and you'd get drunk on me.

You knew Wynonna had trouble letting people in.

That she used alcohol to cover up her pain.

That she didn't believe she deserved to be loved.

You tried your best to break down her walls but maybe there was just nothing you could do.

Maybe if I was a neon light I'd lead your car right back to my door.

Oh maybe if I was a jukebox needle dropping on a drinking song you'd want one more.

If my name was whisky maybe right now you'd miss me.

It had been two weeks since you last spoke to Wynonna.

You had gotten into a fight about her being too reckless.

"This is my job Y/N, sometimes I have to do crazy shit to get the job done," she told you.

"And what if that crazy shit gets you killed? What then Wynonna?"

You might try a different fix, a stronger shot, a harder mix but they wouldn't get you baby.

And if everyone you know said you ought to let me go you'd tell 'em they were crazy, so crazy.

Maybe if I was a neon light I'd lead your car right back to my door.

Oh maybe if I was a jukebox needle dropping on a drinking song you'd want one more.

If my name was whisky maybe right now you'd miss me.

Two weeks straight Wynonna spent at Shorty's.

Every night Rosita filled her glass over and over again.

When Rosita would cut her off saying she had had enough for the night Wynonna would sneak behind the bar when she wasn't looking and steal a whole bottle of whisky and take it back to the homestead.

When Waverly found all the empty bottles in Wynonna's room, you were the one she called.

Maybe if I was your last call my heart wouldn't be like glass all over the floor.

Oh maybe if I was a jukebox needle dropping on a drinking song then you'd want one more.

If my name was whisky maybe right now you'd miss me.

You never would've quit me if my name was whisky.

You walked into Shorty's and Rosita pointed you in Wynonna's direction.

She was slumped over in her seat staring at her glass on the counter.

"Wynonna? I think I should take you home."

"I don't want to fight anymore Y/N," she stated without looking at you.

"I don't want to fight either but we can talk about that when you're sober."

"I'm not drunk I've only had one drink, ask Rosita."

"I don't need to ask Rosita, if you say you aren't drunk then I believe you."

"You believe in me too much, that's why I messed up," she said finally turning towards you.

"What is that supposed to mean Wynonna?" you asked confused.

"Nobody's ever seen me as anything but a screw up, you always tell me I'm more than my past but maybe you're wrong and that's all I really am. A screw up."

"You are not a screw up Wynonna. There's no denying that you're a little rough around the edges but that's what makes you so revitalizing you. You do so much good, you save people and make Purgatory a less shitty place by kicking revenant ass. You make my life better everyday just by being in it and that's why I believe in you so much."

"I don't know if I can do this without you Y/N, if I promise to be less reckless can we start over and try again?" Wynonna asked.

"Yes we can," you smiled.

Wynonna smiled for the first time two weeks and leaned in to gently kiss you.

You could taste the faint hint of whisky on her lips but that's just what made her Wynonna.

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