Chapter 30

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"Mum, this is Fang." I say slowly and brace myself for the storm that is my mother.

"Oh... ok. I would be surprised, but I haven't seen Fang and he looks and acts like Fang so I understand." She said calmy. "But you're grounded for not telling me. 2 days."

"But it's the weekend! I was going to introduce Fang to them as a human for the first time!" I whine. "Please~ Next weekend?" I make my legendary puppy face and tears form in the corners of my eyes.

"Uhhh... fine. You have Saturday free." I cheer. "But Next Saturday you're grounded though." I groan and Fang smiles sheepishly at me.

I smile evily back at him, and mess his hair up. He whines about how much of a bad sister I am. I just laugh at his fetal attempts of making his hair lay flat.

"We gotta go now Fang~" I say and grab his wrist, pulling him after watching attempt after attempt of him trying fix his hair.

He whines again and pulls back, but I keep my hold and continue to pull on him.

"Thanks for understanding mum! We'll be back later!" I yell to her. I hear a faint "Okay! Be safe!" As I make my way through the door.

I wonder what the others will think of him...


"Hey guys!" I yell. Winter's head snaps to mine in an instant, and Everest has her in my grips seconds after.

"Niiiight!" She screams as she squishes me.

"Help me!" I whisper to Fang, and he just laughs at me. As soon as his laugh echos through the field, all eyes are on us.

Everest let's me go, and I sigh on relief.

After rubbing my sore arms, I look back to see Everest watching Fang carefully.

I also see Willow looking at me as if I kicked Sophie through a window.

"Who is he?" Everest says while she continues to scan Fang.

"Funny story..." I rub the back of my neck and smile sheepishly. "His name is Fang, and he's one of us."

I see Luna's head snap up at the mention of Fang.

Luna slithers towards Fang and climbs his leg, ending up on his shoulder. Fang just looks around the field.

It is. She nods her head and slithers back down his leg and across the field to lay near the water.

I see Moon on her usual rock, her eyes look droopy, as if she was having a cat nap. I wouldn't be surprised if she was..

I smile and step back towards Fang. "Everyone, this is Fang and he is now, officially, a shifter!" I scream again and everyone continues to stay silent.

"Fang is a shifter now!" I say again.

I sigh and face palm.

"I don't know how but since no one will ask what happened I'll explain anyway. Basically, I dropped my jewel when it was in my bag, it had a massive crack in it and Fang had picked it up. I fainted, and we were stuck in a black room for a bit while Fang was human. When we woke up, we tried to get him to shift and it took three attemtps to make him shift. And, well... Here he is!"

Crickets chirped in the background.

"My jewel has a bandaid on it right now, bit I noticed the mist that drifted out was black, just like my jewel. I also noticed that my jewel contains less magic, so I don't think we can just crack it open Willy Nilly... I'm surprised no one has yelled at me yet..." I run a hand through my loose hair.

Everyone continues to stay silent.


"Do you think Mytical would be able to shift?"
"How long does it last?"
"Is there a definite chance it'll work?"

"Can Fang do the legendary puppy eyes as a human too?"

Everyone (excluding Moon who fell asleep again) stopped, and looked at Willow. Willow put her hands up. "What? I'm always the victim, so I need to know just to be ready in case he can! It's lethal!" She whined.

I laugh and nod. "He's already done it on me. It worked too..." I looked at Fang, who had his tongue sticking out. I stick my tongue out too and mess up his hair, which he starts whining again.

I laugh at him.

I zipped open my bag which I removed from my shoulder when we got into the clearing and I shuffled through it. I finally got my hands on my crystal, and pulled it out.

When I got it out, I handed it to Fang and Fang held it gently in his hands as I zipped up the bag and pulled it up on my back again.

Fang handed me the jewel and I turned it around until the bandaid was shown to the clearing.

Everyone gasped at the dramatic moment, and someone screamed from the sky-

Ok no, that didn't happen. But Zero did 'tsk' me and waved his tail at me from in a nearby tree. I just hissed at him.

What are you, a cat?

"You're insulting yourself, I hope you realise that." Zero just turned his head from me and put his head down.


What do you think so far of Night and Fang being siblings? I honestly think Night is the older siblings because Fang is always whining at her xD

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my recent idea and....

.... Wait for it...



The Animal Within : The Jewels   (Book #2 of The Animal Within Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now