Chapter 19

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"So... Night as they call you... Why was Jackson testing on your fur?" Jin asked when everyone was asleep.

We decided that sleeping near each other was the better option of the choices of going home alone or sleeping in the same area.

Strength in numbers!

How am I supposed to know! I breathe and continue to try to sleep.

"Because you were the one that found him?" Jin questioned. He didn't seem sure himself.

Well I don't. I'm tired, so go and sleep. And don't try to run away! I growl quietly with my eyes closed.


In her Dreams


"How's the serum coming alone?" Jin asked. He was studying Jackson's 'Lab' for the time being.

"Great. No one even noticed how close I am to heir camp still. I can't believe they let me get away too. I'm a free man!" Jackson yelled and smiled.

"Actually... Night saw you. I suggest you get a move on and get it done before they come and ruin our plans. Are we clear?"

Jackson tilted his head to the side. "How did she find me?"

Jin replied, "I don't know. What I do know is that Night knows you're using wolf fur. She hasn't seen the fur close enough to tell who's it is. Dr. Bionic needs that DNA fast, so hurry up. We don't have a decade!" And Jin exited the cave, going back to Moon's rock.

Jackson continued to brew the position... Little did he know that I was there the entire time.


When she Woke up


She quickly got up and shook everyone awake, leaving Jin asleep.

Guys! I have more news. I exclaimed quietly. My voice had a tinge of alarm and excitement.

Winter nodded her head as if to say 'go on?'

JacksonisusingmyfurinapotionandJinisinonit! I say and lay on my tummy.
(Jackson is using my fur in a potion and Jin is in on it!)

What! Everest said as her eyes widened in astonishment.

Winter just facewinged her face with her wing. Of course dumby! Jin hasn't changed a bit!

Everest said "Ohhh..." and walked away, smiling sheepishly.

I paw palm when Everest goes toppling down after tripping over a nearby tree root which was originally well out of her way.



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The Animal Within : The Jewels   (Book #2 of The Animal Within Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now