Chapter 27

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Night's body went slack, and her paws stopped moving.

Night's body looked... Dead.

As the group loosened up, Shadow was getting ready to go.

Night closed her eyes.

Her eyes dimmed back to their normal purple colour, and her heartbeat slowed.

She was knocked out.

Or so everyone thought.

Guys, she's sleeping. I think it's safe. Luna hissed, still having a grip on Night's body.

No one noticed, but Night smirked.

When Luna started to uncoil herself, Night's muscles bunched.

When Luna fully let go of Night, Nights eyes shon brigter.

Night leaped forward and before anyone could say "How" She disappeared.


Night's POV


Work damn it! I grumbled. Where are you taking me, anyway?

And why would I tell you that? Shadow retorted triumphantly.

Because I can't do anything anyway? Plus I'm bored. I exclaimed.

Just shut up! You're so annoying- and, yet again, my body was sent flying sideways.

Owwww! I groan. I could feel my spine collide with a tree, and claws imbed themselves in my scruff and back, successfully holding Shadow from moving.

Give up Shadow, face it. You're A villain, waiting to be beat. I could hear Zero sigh and his claws dig into my skin.

Oh, really? As I said before, whatever you do to me also happens to Night. I don't suggest you hurt me. Shadow growled smugly.

I don't have to. Zero replied and backed up.

I felt a pinch in my neck, and a voice say "Goodnight".

Are you smug now, Shadow? I questioned.

Shut up...

Soon enough, everything went black.




The wolf howled outside the bedroom door.

He'd been locked out of the girl's bedroom for the first time, and he was not taking it well.

The parents of the girl sighed and rubbed their eyes before calling the wolf into the kitchen.

They locked him in a pen with a dog bowl and water. A bed also sat in the corner.

The wolf looked around the pen and looked at the parents mortified.

The parents didn't see that and left the wolf, and went back to bed.

That night, the wolf howled for seconds, minutes, and hours straight until the sun rose.

The girl walked out of her room, only to hear her wolf's pleas and quickly ran to the noise.

Staring at the little pen that didn't fit the wolf, she unlocked the door and let her wolf follow her around the house.

After that event, everything went as every morning.

No one noticed the black littering the wolf's eyes after that night.



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Sorry for the lack of updates... again... I honestly have no excuse other than my computer is still broken.

The next update isn't going to take too long... I hope... So it will (hopefully) be out soon!

Stay tuned, and BAIIIIIIII~


The Animal Within : The Jewels   (Book #2 of The Animal Within Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now