Chapter 13

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As the world starts to light up, I hear people talking.

"Everest! You can't just jump on anyone! You're the biggest and heaviest out of any of your friends! And Night? Really? You're a horse right now. Calm down" A male's voice rung with a hint of anger.

As my vision cleared, I saw a horse bowing to a boy. This boy had dyed blonde hair, and his face had this friendly look.

"Calm down. She told me she didn't mean it. She used to do that as a human and she hadn't done it in a while... Don't blame her. At least Night is fine."

I shake my head and struggle onto my paws.

I rub my head on a nearby tree and everything rushes back to me.

Dumby. What kind of idiot are you? You better start thinking or I'll make you think. Twilight threatened.

What did I do! My voice goes higher pitched. I did nothing wrong!

That's the point, you idiot. I- "Night! She's up! When did you get up?" Willow sounded relieved as she petted behind my ears.

I wagged my tail and flicked my ears, my ear lolled out of my mouth and I grinned like a wolf when I spotted Jackson feinted.

I trotted over to him and dragged him to the river, everyone following him.

Just when I was about to drop him into the lake, Zero spoke. I'm going with Sprinkles to find my gem by ourselves... Let's go Sprinkles. And they trailed away from us.

Ok, we'll wait for you... Have fun! Who knows when we'll see you again. Moon trailed off, then she turned tail and jumped on Winter and dragged her from her branch onto the floor.

Winter squarked and flapped her wings, curling her talons in so she didn't scratch Moon, and powered into the sky. Moon purred.

I would have facepalmed, but wolves can't so yeah...

As everyone watched Winter carrying Moon around, Jackson had crept up on me. He woke up!

I growl and push him into the lake, which he tumbles into, and I drag him back out.

Willow, who could facepalm, facepalmed and everyone else made weird laughing noises.

Jackson grumbles and grabs my tail, which I gently nip his hand.


5 Hours Later


I trail my way back, cracking sticks on the way.

I hear a quiet hiss and stop for a moment, and when I stop a very large snake launches itself around my neck. I growl and struggle to get it off, but then I hear a voice.

Night! It's me! Luna hissed. I found you finally!


Just wanted to let you know, we have created an account called @TheAnimalsWithin where we will be putting the other books, just so you don't need to go from account to account and they're in the same place 😉

Just wanted to let you know, we have created an account called @TheAnimalsWithin where we will be putting the other books, just so you don't need to go from account to account and they're in the same place 😉

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The Animal Within : The Jewels   (Book #2 of The Animal Within Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now