Holding back a sigh, he inclined his head again. "Very well. Lead me to her."

The woman's face brightened and with a skip in her step, led him straight to the young girl from before who had been staring at him. Alastair bit his tongue to refrain from growling in frustration.

The young woman, or Lady Delaney, blinked up at him, her cheeks flushing a bright pink. She curtsied, gracefully. "Your Grace. I have admired the many things you have done for your people." Her voice was gentle and tiny.

It unsettled him in many ways. Clasping his hands behind his back, he narrowed his eyes at her. "So you don't believe that I am but a traitor and lowly murderer as many others do?"

She shook her head, vehemently, her eyes widening. "Your Grace, of course not! Ignorance is infinite and we surely do not believe such petty tales."

Alastair nodded, not convinced. "Wise words, Lady Delaney. I'm grateful to have your support." With that, he turned stiffly to leave when he was stopped.

"I-I was hoping, Your Grace," she began, her eyes downcast, "if we can meet again sometime."

The shy request from a young girl like herself eager to court, made him want to grimace. He'd never looked at a woman like that since...since so long ago.

"We shall see," said Alastair, although he truly meant 'Never again.' As she flashed him a bubbly smile, he only inclined his head before turning away.

"My, my is that Alastair? And I see you have acquainted yourself with a dear friend of mine," the familiar voice of a man he dreaded, filled his ears.

With nothing so much as a twitch of his features, Alastair turned to find the very man he loathed, standing before him with that impudent leer on his face. He had his arm around Lady Delaney who looked sheepishly at the floor, a small smile on her face.

He was already disgusted with the idea of talking to the girl - the fact that she knew of Landon made him feel even more repulsed. He sneered at the girl who suddenly met his eyes with a guilty frown.

Landon scoffed. "Oh do not give her that look! She is young, you see. Anyway, I have not seen you in quite some time, dear friend."

The blood stirred in Alastair's temples and his eyes smouldered with fury. He tore his gaze away as a muscle twitched in his cheek. They were anything but friends.

"What is it that you want, Landon?"

After all that had been done, he was speaking as if he had done nothing. He was but a pitiful man. A slow, deadly fury surged in him as Landon chuckled. His very presence was nauseating.

Landon feigned hurt. "Why I just want to talk to a dear, old friend! Is that too much to ask for, Your Grace?"

The mocking tone in his voice did not go unnoticed by Alastair, and he all but clamped the urge to reach out and throttle him.

The man had done enough with his meddling. He wanted him out. One look from Alastair was enough for Lady Delaney to quickly shuffle away and lead her Aunt out with her.

"It is, as a matter of fact. I suggest you leave me alone." Alastair pointedly looked at him with an expression of indifference, but his eyes were burning with an unmistakable fury. "For your own good."

"Ah, the mighty, Duke of Birmingham has shown himself!" Landon threw his head back in haughty laughter. "Threatening me, are you?"

"Indeed," Alastair deadpanned.

The Duke's Forbidden Lover (Forbidden #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ