Switch me over to the Other Side

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Ash: I want a Nintendo Switch

Misty: Too bad, it's like $300.

Ash: I got tons of money!

Misty: From What?

Ash: All my battles.

Misty: People in the Pokemon anime don't get money from winning battles.

Ash: That's it. I'm going to the other side of the franchise.

Misty: You may not want to go yet.

Ash: why?

Misty: They haven't released the game for the Switch yet.

Ash: But I don't have a Switch!

Misty: Too bad. Now let me eat my jelly filled donut in peace.

Ash: We're not dubbed by 4Kids anymore.

Misty: Let. Me. Eat. My. Jelly. Filled. Donut.

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