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Theo's POV

I look around my surrounding to see I'm on the morgue at the hospital. I stand up and walk down the hall hesitantly, my heart pounding in my chest. "Theo," someone whispers. I look around and see my sister with her heart torn out of chest. I fall back, breathing heavily due to fear.
She digs her hand into my chest and rips out out my. This this what what repeats everyday. 24/7. She rips my heart out.
I look at her, tears in my eyes. "You don't have to stop," I say, ripping my heart again.
Malia punches me repeatedly. Scott pulls her away from me. "He's going back in the ground," he tells her.
"He can help us. He remembers Stiles," Liam tells him. I push myself against the wall. "He's my responsibility. Noshiko gave me the sword," he says.
"It's so awkward when mom and dad fight," I say.
"Shut up!" They all yell at me.
"Your both right. If he tries anything, we'll send him back," Hayden says.
"He goes back now-"
"Liam's the one with the sword-"
"SHUT UP!" They yell again. Liam and Scott walk into another room. Hayden stops Malia from walking closer to me.
"I need a second alone with, Theo."
"So I can kill him," she says. I take deep breaths.
"I know there's mixed feelings all around. But I might be your only option." Malia looks at Hayden.
"Let's kill him." Scott and Liam walk back out. I stand up, wiping my jeans off.
"I can put you back anytime," Liam says.
"I'm not a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity."
"Green can-"
"Don't bring her up," Liam warms him as growl at him.
"I know where to find one. I'll tell you Malia promises not to kill me," I tell them. She growls.
"She promises."
"No, I don't," she says. "We can't trust him."
"You got a better idea?" Hayden asks.
"I've got one. It might not be better, but it's not him." I look down, sighing.
Green's POV
"What are you doing?" I ask my name as he years parts of the wall off from where the wallpaper is ripped. We both look wide eyes at a door. He opens it and walks in. It's completely empty.
"What's going on?" My mom a voice says from the door. I look around.
"Did you know this was here?" He asks her. "Why was it boarded up?"
"People do crazy things. Maybe it was the previous owners," she says.
"What if this was Stiles's room?" I ask.
"This could the proof we've needed. This could mean he was our son," my dad tells her. She shakes her head at us. "Aren't you curious?"
"No. You two are making yourselves crazy. Can't you leave this alone?" He shakes her head.
"I can't," he says. She sighs and walks away. I place my hand on his shoulder.
Theo's POV
"This is a bad idea," Liam says.
"It's not," Hayden tells him.
"It's a terrible idea," I say. He tugs on the long chain that's connected to the cuffs their having me weird, making me stumble a little. "I told you where the transformer is and how to use it. I don't need to be there when it blows up."
"Its not going to blow up. They ride the lightning. We could use Green, but you have some weird thing going on! We can use this to catch one and find out what they want," Hayden snaps. "Its a good idea."
"Your trying to catch a fucking Ghost rider. Terrible idea. So many things could go wrong," I tell her.
"Scott's right. This was a mistake and we should send him back."
"We took a risk. I believe in you," Hayden says to him. He leans in and kisses her. I roll my eyes.
"You want me to leave you guys alone? That's right. I can't." Thunder crashes in the distance. They pull on the chains. We enter the place. Scott and Mason stand in there. Liam frees me from the cuffs. I walk over to the transformer and lift the lever.
"This can transmute the energy from a lightning bolt," I say. Scott walks back to Mason.
"You sure this'll work?"
"It should. Whatever is in this cage has shielded from any outside currents. They won't be able to use lightning to escape." Cory points up.
"Theirs a lightning rod on the roof and it's connected to the conduit cable," he says. They all talk about the plan but I zone out.
"Its good as long as he doesn't escape and kill us all," he says.
"Hopefully the whole place doesnt catch on fire from your transformer," Hayden says. Thunder rumbles in the sky.
The Ghost Rider raises his arms inside the cage. We all look at each other as another roar of thunder comes from outside. "What do we do?" I ask.
"We talk to him." Liam clears his throat.
"We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friend back." He stays quiet.
"This is your plan?"
"We just need to learn how to talk to him."
"Maybe he only responds to pain," he says.
"Or fear," Liam suggests.
"Look at the guy. He's not scared of anything." Liam narrows his eyes.
"Why'd he stop trying to get out?"
"Did he just call for backup?" I ask when he howls.
"We need to figure out how to talk to him or get the hell out of here?"
Green's POV

I walk over to a chair in the room and pick up a lacrosse jersey. I smile hugging it to me. "You don't see this?" I ask.
"I see a very disturbed young women whose my daughter and needs help," he says. Lydia telling him my mom might be dead was too much. I set it down.
"Your scared to remember. I love mom too, but I can tell that I need my brother in my life. I lost one person I loved so much, if I cab get my brother back I will."
Theo's POV
Parrish comes in and walk up to the Rider. He steps towards him. "How do we get everyone back?" He asks. It makes a weird notice.
"What'd it say?"
"Hellhound." He takes a deep breath. "What do you want from us?"
"We are the Wild Hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever," it says.
"What do you want?"
"We are the Wild Hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever," it repeats.
"That clarifies things," I say. It looks directly at Scott.
"Why's it looking at Scott?" Liam asks.
"He realized Scott's the Alpha," I answer. "Is there something you want?"
"There is only hunt. No resists. No one escapes," it says.
"We're gonna a have to fight them, if they can't bargain," Scott Scott says. It looks at Parrish and says something.
"What's it doing?" I ask. Parrish starts to shift and starts to let the rider free. We try getting g him back. He pushes me away from him. Liam and Scott grab him and push him out of the room. I get up and look at the Ghost Rider.
The guy from yesterday with the electricity thing stands in the door way. "You've been here the whole time?" I ask. He walks in. "You should tell them who you really are. Haupmann?" He looks the Rider in its eyes as he turns into his wolf form. He looks at me. I start towards the stairs, but he sinks his claws into my back.
I gasp in pain as he drags me to the cage. "Break the barrier," he says. "Or I'll rip you in two." I break the barrier. He pushes me to the ground. I stay in the floor, shaking in pain. I watch as he walks into the cage. He takes out his whip and tries using it but he catches it. He pulls the Rider to him and kills him, biting into his skull. I watch in fear, staying still. I push myself against the transformer as he leaves and everyone comes back in.
Hayden grabs me by my collar and pushes me against it. "What the hell did you do?"
"It was Mr.Douglas," I tell her. "He ate his brain."
"Scott was right. I was wrong," Liam says. "I'm sending you back." I push tears back.
"It wasn't his brain. It was his pineal gland," Scott says. Mason's eyes widen.
"It can't be Theo. These murders have been going on for weeks." I sigh in relief.
"His whips gone," Liam points out.
Green's POV

"Your going to bite Stiles?" I ask Scott in shock.
"To get him through the rift." I sigh. Why is my dads office so cold? "If we get Stiles back, he can help us with a plan."
"He's good at that," Malia says.
"So the plan is to have Stiles come up with a plan?" Peter asks.
"You can shut up now." He rolls his eyes.
"We're the only ones left. If they take us, Lydia will be the only one left to haunt this place," he says.
"Tgara why I'm the only one who's going in," Scott says.
"I really do like your plan, especially the part with biting Stiles. But it can't work. I know from life experience. What if Stiles isn't there? What is there's no Beacon Hills to come back to?"
"Do you have a better idea?" Liam asks.
"Yes. Run like hell." He looks at Malia. "So, leave in five?" She walks over to him while I take Scott hand.
"You can do this," I tell him. He smiles at me.
"I admit that you have a flare for beating the odds, Scott. But you don't walk away from this," he says and walks out.
Theo's POV

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