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                 Theo's POV
     "Did you see it?" Tracy asks as she catches up to me between the school buses. We've been trying to catch the Chimera, but obviously its not working.
    "No, it was too fast," I reply, walking forward.
    "Do you think its here?"
    "Yeah, so keep your distance. We're not trying to catch it," I tell her. A loud roar comes from inside the school. We run inside and look through the halls. My glow yellow as I pay attention go the lockers in front of us.
    Camnatio Memoriae is written across them. "It's the same message. What's it mean?" Tracy points out.
    "Trying to remember who it was." Her jaw clenches.
    "Isn't like us? Just a kid underneath?" She asks. I shake my head at her.
    "I don't care. The Dread Doctors needed a body because they couldn't resurrect the beast out of thin air. What ever it is, just a aide effect. All the doctors care about is the beast inside of the kid," I explain to her.
    "So what happens when it remembers?"
    "Not sure." The sound of metal clinging comes from the other hall. Tracy's claws extend from her hands as she walk that direction. The lights go off. When they go back on, the dread doctors come into view.
    She swings a punch at the one in front of her. Only it does the same and knocks her out. I stay in place as they come closer.
    "Where is it?" I demand through clenched teeth.
   "You already have your pack," it says.
    "It's not enough." I flash my eyes at them. "Do these look red to you?" The large Beast walks behind the Dread Doctors and turns do face us. Fear flashes through me for a second. It comes closer, holding a head in its hand. I take slow steps back.
    It roars loudly, making Tracy and I cover our ears and close our eyes. When we opens them again, its gone.
         "Theo," Green moans, her hands running through my hair. "You do realize how cliche this is? Making out on a janitors closet?" I pull back from kissing her neck.
     "I know that," I say with a grin. She fakes a deep breath, pulling me closer by my jacket.
    "Its freezing in here," she says. Usually I would spend my free period working out in the school gym, but I have to admit that this is a nice change. She nuzzles her face in my chest. I run my hands up and down her back.
    "We could always just go out to my truck and sit in there for the rest of this period," I tell her. She looks up at me with raised brows.
    "Does that really sound safe when the whole pack hates and hopes you go to hell?" She has a point. They would probably catch us and even though I hate all of them, she's an exception.
    "Fine. But your skin is freezing at least take my jack-" instead of letting me take my jacket off, she hugs me. It feels weird to have someone want to be next to me, for me to hold them, when no one has ever wanted that before. She's different from the other people that have been in my life. 
            The teacher walks up and down the rows of seats to take roll. "Has anyone seen either McCall or Stilinski?" She asks. "Its not a coincidence that their both absent on the same day." She stops in the front and looks at Lydia's seat. "Lydia Martin is not here as well."
    "She won't be in for a while," I say. Everyone turns and looks at me in surprise. Our teacher tilts her head to the side in curiosity. "Medical issues." I catch Malia staring into the class and smirk, knowing that she knows I've noticed her. She walks away and I go back to my work.
          I walk into the back area of the animal clinic, going to Deaton's office and leaning against the door frame. "Can't find it can you?" I say. Malia turn around from looking through various papers and files. "You're not going to find him. He's probably already dead. And I wonder what Scott is going do say when he realizes it's your fault."
    Her eyes dance around the area, thinking things through. The Chimera that died was her fault. She charges at me, throwing me into one of the glass cabinets, making the glass shatter. She grabs me by my throat and makes me stand.
      "I should kill you!" She yells.
      "You like me too much," I say. She punches me across the face and throws me to the table. She gets above me, hitting me numerous times and breaking my right arm. I chuckle, tasting the blood in my mouth. "I let Stiles beat my ass too. He never broke any bones." I grab my broke arm and snap the bone back on place, grunting in pain.
   She moves to hit me again. "I can help you find them. The Desert Wolf and Deaton!"
    "How?!" She demands.
    "The Dread Doctors. I know how they found everyone." 
               Green's POV
      "Did one of you break my lock?" I ask when I walk down stairs to see Liam, Scott, Mason, Kira, and Stiles standing in the living room. All day I've been feeling weird and thinking I'm seeing things happen that aren't possible. When I was in the closet with Theo I kept feeling shocks going through me and not the good, romantic kind. Actual shocks.
     "No," they all say.
     "We found out what Theo is doing," Liam says. We all turn our attention to him.
    "How?" I ask.
    "I found out from Cory. He's doing this for an Alpha. A blind one."
    "Deucalion," Scott and Stiles say at the same time.
           "I'm trying to understand, but you've given me no information to think about," I say as Theo parks in the school parking lot. It nearly one o'clock in the morning, but who care? When is it ever too late for food and a movie?
     "I can't give any. You just have to trust that I'll try not to hurt you or your friends this time," he says, looking me on the eyes. Grease plays on the portable DVD player between us, filling the silence. "This isn't how I wanted our first date to go."
    "I know, but its hard to really enjoy when I'm the only one who kind of likes you." He raises his brows.
      "Kind of?" I roll my eyes, blushing. He leans over and kisses my cheek. I look down at his arms, seeing marks that almost a look like bruises, but also like burns.
    "Where are these from?" I ask in panic, remember the feeling I kept getting in the janitors closet.
    "I don't know. I noticed them when I was leaving school," he says, neither of us paying attention to the movie.
    "Why aren't you healing?"
    "Somethings take longer."
    "Do they hurt?" I ask, trying to touch one. He grabs my hand before I can and kisses my palm.
    "Yes they do. We should now just try and enjoy our night together. Please."' Planting a soft kiss on his lips, I look back at the movie and decide to ignore it for now.
                   Theo's POV

      I know what you are, Green.

    AN: Welp! What do you think this means? Please comment and share! All rights, except for Green, go out to Jeff Davis. Stay alive |-/   -Vaeh

Momma Always Told Me : Theo Raeken FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang