Teenager Problems..

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-Mum: "Why is your room always so messy?"

Me: "So that if someone comes in and tries to kill me, they'll trip over something and die."

-That awkward moment when the most annoying person in complaining about someone being annoying...:|

-I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?" I think people are starting to take that as a challenge.

-If I die...I want my friends and family to keep updating my status to freak people out.

-When you buy a bag of air and the company was nice enough to put a few chips in..

-I'm more afraid of leaving my phone unlocked around my family than I am of dying.

-If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me and we can make fun of people together.

-So much to do, so little motivation.

-Not sure if I'm in a really bad mood or if everyone is really FREAKIN ANNOYING.

-No Mum, do not ask thar relative if they want to talk to me next on the phone.

-I could win new zealands got talent if they just let me bring my shower on stage.

-"What time is it?.."

"There's a clock right there."

"Did I ask you where the clock was?"

-Mum: Wake up!

Me: *Maybe if I pretend I'm dead she'll go away*

-That moment when parents try to compare our life as a teenager, to them when they were a teenager.

-That amazing and awesome feeling you get when you open a jar everyone else was struggling with.

-Sarcasm: because beating someone in the face with a shovel is illegal.

-Be nice to everyone in case someone you know gets rich..:)

-What was wrong with them when they invented pillows..."I'm gonna take all the feathers off this duck and shove them in a bag and we can all sleep on it."

-Mum: Did you get home safe?

Me: No I died a few times...

-Arguing with an idiot is the most frustrating thing ever.

-You don't know pain unless you've tied your hair with a rubberband and then tried to take it out.

-Mum: "All you do is sit on that computer all day!"

Me: Lies. I sit on the chair."

-If you can't convince them, confuse them.


-Mum: You haven't moved since I left the house 2 hours ago wth!

Me: Excuse me where do you think these biscuits came from?

-World War 3 will probably be fought via social networking sites.

-Boys like it when you're playfully mean to them. Call them names. Punch them on the shoulder. Murder their families.

-The news is just some person saying "good evening" and then giving reasons why it's not.

-I like wearing big sweathers. Not 'cause they're all comfy and cuddly, but when the sleeves are really big I get to flop them around and smack people.

-When peoople try to talk to me when I have my headphones on:


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