Awkward moments...

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That awkward moment when you..

1) Walk past a mirror and make a stupid face..

2) I literally ruin everything without even trying.

3) Running seems like a great idea until you actually start running.

4) "why are you awake at five in the morning" asks the person who is also awake at five in the morning.

5) Someone says hi and they ask the weather and everything.. and you realise they're talking on the phone...

6) I'm watching Disney Cinderella, and I was like: "If Cinderella's shoe fits perfectly... then why did it fall off? o.O

7) That MINI HEART ATTACK when you sent a txt to the wrong person. ARGGG

8) You accidentally step on your cats tail and you frantically apologize but they run away from you like, "NO YOU MONSTER!" And you chase after them like, "Let me love you!!"

9) A small kid hits you without reason in front of their mum and you can't do any thing but a fake smile. :|

10) You find out, Titanic was filmed in a plastic pool.

11) A 2 year old kid is talking to you and you can't understand him so you just sit there and say: "Oh really? Hmmm"

12) Friend: "Don't move there's something in your hair."

Me: "GET   IT  OUT! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUUUTTTTTTTT AHHH!! *runs away hands in the air screaming madly*

13) Yelling "STAY!" at a non-living object that keeps falling over as if it's going to listen to you.

14) Someone makes you laugh, and the soda goes up your nose and out your nostrils!

15) You inhale to speak and you start to speak and you start choking on your own spit.. -_-

16) People are singing happy birthday to you so you just sit there in the middle of it with an awkward expression wondering what to do...

17) Your parents tell you to stay in the line when you're shopping and when you're almost near the cashier, they're not even back yet.

18) You walk into a closet and don't end up in Narnia.

19) Dora the Explorer discovers Google Maps...

20) You go to a friend's yard sale and you see that the gift you got him/her for their birthday is for sale.

21) You're crossing the street and the people in their cars are just staring at you...

22) You don't know if you should hug someone or not.

23) It's quiet and you're eating something crunchy.

24) A zombie is searching for brains to eat and it graduately walks passed you.

25) You see your friends are friends with people you don't like.

26) Someone says LOL in real life..

27) You scream and run away from a fly thinking it was a bee..

28) You have 10 tabs open and you can't figure out which one the music is coming from.

29) You catch someone picking their nose... _-_ ew

30) Someone tells you.. you've lost weight.

31) You're sitting in the theatre about to watch a movie and BAM, human giraffe sits in front of you..

32) You're in bed, half asleep and you have a mini spaz attack and you think you're falling.

33) You yell random numbers when someone is counting and they give you a death glare.

34) You and a family member both reach for the last piece of pizza at the same time... WORLD WAR 3!!

35) You make eye contact with the person in the car next to you.

36) You're deep in thought and then you realise you're staring directly at someone.

37) You say goodbye to someone and then both start walking in the same direction..

38) You take your jumper off and you t-shirt comes off too.

39) Unexpected visitors arrive at 11am and you're still in your pjs.

40) Someone is getting accused for something you did..

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