Be Weird

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1) Tie a string of peanuts and go squirrel fishing. When people ask you what you are doing, shush them.

2) Have a friend over. Don't let them sit. Cover the chair in plastic wrap then allow them to sit down.

3) Stare at a pencil for one hour.

4) When you're at a restaurant, take TACO sauce and pour it on you arm. Because your a taco. Tell people.

5) Go to a sibling or parent and wear your clothes inside out and when they ask, just say, oops.

6) Me: "I'd like a coke please." Waitress: "Is Pepsi ok?" Me: "Is Monopoly money ok?"

7) Have you ever had a fly or small bug land on your computer screen, and your first reaction was to try and scare it with the cursor?

8) I hate when waiters ask: "Are you done with that?" When the plates is completely clear. Like nah, Imma' eat the plate too.

9) You cannot stick your tongue out and look at the ceiling: a physical impossibility.

1. All idiots after reading this will try it.

2. And discover that it is a lie.

3. You are smiling now because you are an idiot also.

4. You will soon post this on a page of your own for another idiot to see.

5. There is still a stupid smile on your face.

I'm sorry, but I am an idiot with a smile on my face too. The girl I got this from is also an idiot; please don't feel bad.


Mum: Pick up your poster and shut up -.-

11) I laugh even harder when I'm explaining, why I'm laughing.

12) When I find it, I don't need it. When I need it, I don't find it.

13) That mini heartattack you get when you reach into your pocket, and your phone isn't there.

14) If you've never jumped from one couch to another couch to save yourself from the lava, you never had a childhood.

15) I log off because I'm bored... I log on 5 minutes later because I'm bored.

16) Oh, you lost your cell phone on vibrate? "If you liked it, then you shoulda' put a ring on it"

17) Mum: "Can I see your Tumblr?" Me: "WHAT TUMBLR?" *throws laptop out window, runs to airport, moves to Mexico, changes name to Pepito*

18) When you silently fart and you stink up the room.

You: ugh, do you smell that?

Friend: ewwwww that's gross

You: *points at random person* I'm sorry but that is just disgusting!

19) "let me see your phone".... *delete* ... *delete*... *delete*.. *delete delete*.. *delete* you go.

20) When your walking and then you start thinking about how you're walking, and you feel like you're walking weird.

21) When I hear myself eating crunchy food, I wonder if people can hear it too.

22) Everytime when I leave the shop without buying something, i think... don't act like a thief, don't act like a thief..

23) When someone asks you what your favorite movie or song is, you always forget every song or movie you've ever heard.

24) I'm only fat because a tiny body couldn't fit all this personality ;P

25) Eying your toys suspiciously after watching Toy Story....

26) That awkward moment when Dora asks you a question and she's just staring at you and you don't know whether to answer her or not...

27) Make vanilla pudding or custard. Put in mayo jar. Eat in public.

28) I'm the kind of girl

That will pull on a door

When it says "Push" on it

And then scream

"It won't open!"

29) Follow strangers around a store and spray everything they touch with disinfectant.

30) Dress up as Ronald Mcdonald and go apply for a job at Burger King.

31) Go to McDonalds and ask for a sad meal, then yell "SAD PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT TOO!!"

32) Name your hair Jones, then go to the hairdressers and be upset that they killed him.

33) Go McDonalds and ask for fries without the potatoes.

34) In an elevator, laugh randomly for 5 minutes. Then stare at other passengers like they're crazy.

35) Inhale some helium, walk up behind a little kid, and say "Follow the yellow brick road!"

36) Throw grapes at people as they walk by.

37) Say "potato" in a really slow deep voice.

38) Come running out of the zoo yelling "I'M FREE! I'M FREE!!"

39) Ring a random doorbell, when they answer just stare at them until they close the door.

40) Make a prank call and say, "Hi, how can I help you?".

41) Go to burger king and ask if you can get a big mac.

42) Get your friend to yell "STOP OR I WON'T GIVE YOU ANY DOG FOOD TONIGHT" in public.

How To Be: Cute, Awesome and Weird!Where stories live. Discover now