Chapter Sixteen - [Aaryan]

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When I turned my head I saw an older woman staring at me with wide eyes. She looked much like Seetha, except older, and I figured almost instantly that this was her mother.

"Is this..."

"This is Aaryan," Seetha said nervously to her mother.

The look on her face made me wonder if she really knew who I was already. Her shock seemed that extreme. Nonetheless, I tried to ignore it. I bowed low in respect for the mother of the woman I hoped to marry. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

When I lifted my head up, I saw her holding her hand over her mouth. "Oh my, oh my... one moment!" She picked up the skirt of her sari and rushed back into her home, shouting "my love!"

When I turned to Seetha, her tanned skin was red, maybe in embarrassment.

A moment later, Seetha's mother returned, followed by a tall, fit looking man... and for some reason, I was surprised. I recognized this man... I had seen him before in the village. He was tall and looked strong despite the greys in his hair and the now obvious years on his life.

I noticed him because of the look on his face. He had this look that demanded respect. There were some men who had a look of nobility... the kind of look you wished all nobles would have. And he had that look. I remembered wondering to myself if he was some form of village leader. Maybe a well respected village elder. To find out now that he was Seetha's father, a farmer, surprised me.

However, from what she had told me about him... he was a man who deserved respect.

"Pa, this is Aaryan... the man I was telling you about."

I bowed once more as the eyes of this man fell on me.

"You are the warrior that my daughter has been enchanted by."

He didn't ask it as a question, but I chose to answer him as I rose. "I think you are mistaken. I am the one who was enchanted by her. She is merely entertaining my advances out of pity."

Her father stared at me with a straight face for a moment, but a small smile broke out on his lips. "That sounds more like my Seetha."

Seetha laughed awkwardly, which was followed by her mothers more sincere laugh. "Oh, please come in. We have prepared a large meal for you," she said. "We can talk more about you while we have dinner."

I smiled as kindly as I could. "Thank you."

When we entered her small home, I was pleasantly surprised by the scent of incense, food and the presence of an extremely large family. All the children who were outside had run in after us, joining their parents who had their eyes on me. Many of these men and women were familiar, and I was certain it was because I had passed by them multiple times during my time in this village.

Seetha then proceeded to introduce me to her many brothers, sisters-in-law and nieces and nephews. And though I was pleased to meet them all, I was more focused on the thought of how such a large family fit into such a small home.

It wasn't that small. I was sure that there was space for everyone to live comfortable... but at the bare minimum. My bedroom back at the palace was nearly the size of this home, and that was shocking to me.

Once the introductions were done, we sat on the floor and the women began to serve us food.

"You must excuse my asking," her father suddenly said while one of his many daughter-in-laws served him a small portion of rice. "Your family... what is it they do? My daughter has shown me the gifts you have give her."

I looked at Seetha, who looked at me nervously.

I would have prefered to be honest. Lying always led to trouble.

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