Part 1

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The Shekhawats and the Aggarwals...were the richest business tycoons of delhi...

The entire Delhi knew about it....and also knew that they had a great terms with each other from very beginning...

Randhir who was the son of the shekhawats and Sanyukta the one and only daughter of the Aggarwals... Also had a great bonding with each other...

Their frndshp was so intense that their parents decided to get them married after their completion of engineering...

As soon as randhir got a job in a popular MNC along with Sanyukta...they were tied into the knot of marriage...

Things went smooth initially... When both the families started provoking them for a baby...after 4yrs of their marriage...
Sandhir thought that it won't be difficult for them  to raise a child... And moreover their parents were also there with them so they thought of getting their own baby in this world...

Listening their dcsn their parents well as vidushi and Parth who were their best frnds since clg...and were married to each other as like sandhir became tremendously hpy for them..

It took a decade of time...when sandhir's baby came into this world...adding more happiness to their life....
Her grandparents who loved her from their her as "hiya"...

Initially hiya got equal love from her Grandparents as well as parents...but later things started changing. Randhir joined his ofc ...while
Sanyu's maternity leave got over...and she joined ofc again after a month..

Hiya started growing up...under the shade of her Grandparents... While sandhir remained busy in official chaos always...forgetting about their daughter... Who always missed her mom dad...

It was hiya's 4th b'day...
She got up early in d mrng...and a bright smile crept on her face seing her dadu and dadi standing there in front of her...with a big teddy in their hands...

" Happy b'day hiya!!"...they shouted...
"Thank u dadi...dadu!!"... She said in her cute voice...
" see we hv brought this for u...his name is Mr.teddy!! So Mr teddy meet my granddaughter hiya"...harsh said introducing the teddy with hiya

"Haha!! Dadu its a non living thing and non living thing dosent speak or say anything...!! U r so funny!!"...hiya said and laughed...

"Haww!! Hiya u know so many things!! My darling!!"... Renu said and sat beside her in order to cuddle her...
" dadu where is mommy and daddy??"...asked hiya hopefully to which their smiled faded away...
"Child...actually...".. They fumbled...

" oh!! They must be planning surprises for me!! Hmm!! I know...
But u know what...I will go and just tell them that I already know their trick!! "...said hiya getting down from the bed...

"Child where r u going??"... Asked renu seing her wearing her slippers...
" going to surprise mommy and daddy!!"...she said smilingly... And went towards their room..

On the other hand sandhir were busy searching an important file in their room...

"Oh God sanyu!! I mean y can't u keep a simple file properly!!"... Randhir chipped angrily...
"randhir plz don't irritate me...I am already stresses out ok!!"... Chipped sanyu searching the drawyer...

" got it!!"...said randhir he caught the file under a particular table...
Sanyu looked at him and showed him her thumbs up...
To which he winked proudly...

"Papa!! Papa!! Papa!! U r planning surprises for Me rgt...but see I caught u!!"... Gleamed hiya running inside their room...
She hugged her dad by his waist...and due to her sudden action the file fell from his hand...on the floor...clashing with the glass of juice which was kept on the table...due to which the entire juice got poured over the papers...

"What the hell!!"... Randhir shouted pushing hiya aside...
Sanyu quickly took the wet papers in her hands...and mumbled..." Shit!!"...

"U stupid girl!! R u blind ....the papers were so important for my presentation!!"...chipped Randhir angrily pointing his finger towards hiya...

" so...sorry!!"...she mumbled getting frightened while tears rolled down from her eyes...
"Your sorry will not help us...u idiot!!"... Chipped sanyu...making her stand on her feet....clutching her by her shoulders...

Tears rolled down from lil hiya's eyes...
But she remained silent...
Her parents never showed any type of affection for her...anytime...and today when they r showing... It was all anger and hatred which their eyes were depicting for her...

" sanyu I think it will be useless if we waste our time in talking with her...think about the resolution!! "...chipped Randhir...
Sanyu looked at him...and took the papers... From his hands...

" let me think something!! If papers dosent work then we hv to show the presentation through laptop!!"...chipped sanyu thoughtfully...
"Hmm...even I also think so!!"... Randhir chipped looking at her...

Randhir's eyes fell on hiya again who was standing there hanging her head low...
" now what do u want?? Is anything left to destroy over here?? Get out!!"...shouted which she looked at him with painful eyes...

She started moving out from their room...when sanyu called her..."hiya!!"...
She looked up and smiled thinking that may be her mom remembers her b'day...she rubbed her tears away and looked at her hopefully...but the next moment her smile faded hearing her words ...

"Plz knock the door whenever u cm inside our room!! We don't like anyone cmng inside our room without taking our prior permission!!"... Sanyu said...
Hiya's eyes watered up again but still she smiled and said..."ok mom!!"...

She closed the door before cmng out off the room..thinking she must be the first child...whose mom and dad wants her to knock the door before going inside their room...!!

Fragile dcsns anyway leads to failure always,
Dcsn regarding any big matter should be made only if u r sure about it...
And here the same thing hpnd with sandhir....
Hiya was not there wrong dcsn...but a fragile one...!!

Thank u

Freightage : The abandoned child (Sandhir)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα