Old Acquaintance

520 16 19

Karma's POV


"Oooh! Hey Aka-kun!" He suddenly brightened

"How are you? It's been... uh... 3 years since we saw each other! You've grown tall!! Really tall~ Are you a titan or something~? " he laughed and put his arm around my shoulders

"...I'm doing fine I guess "

"Are you now living with your parents~? " he asked


"Really? Why??"

"It's none of your bussiness" i coldly answered

"Eeeh~ why is my cute lil' devil soo cold to me?" He pouted

"Where do you live right now?" He continued asking anyway

"You don't have to know" i sighed


"Look, I know we haven't seen each other in years, but I'm busy right now." I said, holding up the plastic bags that I was holding.

"Ooops. Ok!! Bye Aka-kun! See you around!" He winked

"Yeah. I hope I'll never see you again"

"That's just mean!"


-Timeskip by Semi Senioritis-

Nagisa's POV

The delicious scent of spices ligered through the air as Karma cooked.

"You're really good at cooking aren't you Karma?" I watched in awe as he stirred the contents of the pot

"Hmmm... It's just curry"

"Yeah... but still!" I looked at the cabinet filled with his spice collection on top of the kitchen counter labeled

-Karma's precious collection-

"Just curry.... huh.." I sweatdroped

He's so talented in many things isn't he. He's smart, he's good at sports, he's good at cooking, singing and he's good at fighting (-_-') uh.....

He's a good friend and he's someone I look up too. Even though he has some faults and mistakes, he still fixes up himself and never does it again... well, except for being sadistic.

"Yo guys. Food's ready!" he called out

I helped him set up the table and Asano-kun did the same.

"Dig in. It's my specialty" he smiled

Oh wait.... this is curry right?

"Ok then. Thanks for the food" Asano took some of the food. His face turned red as he coughed out the food. I imidiately handed him a glass of water, knowing that Karma got him again.

"D-Damn it Akabane..." he had tears at the sides of his eyes, and his face was red.

"Oh? Is it too spicy for you? I must have put in too many chillies " He grinned

"Karma..." I sweatdroped

"Don't worry Nagisa. I only put those on Asano's plate" he reassured me

Dinner was fun.... atleast..


I was assigned to wash the dishes this day. And tomorrow is Asano-kun's turn.

As I washed the dishes, I saw Karma sitting on the balcony of our apartment. His face looked worried and he seemed to be thinking about something. After I finished washing, I dried my hands and sat beside him.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked softly

He turned to look at me and tilted his head slightly

"About what?" He scoffed

"You know you can't hide it from me Karma. Something's bothering you, right? "


I continued to stare at him as he finaly gave up and sighed. I knew it.

"Miura.. I.... saw him earlier.."

As I heard the name, a chill suddenly ran down my spine

"..Did he talk to you?"

"Yeah.. just usual greetings."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah.. meeting him just made me remember.... things."

I looked at him worriedly and he looked bacj smiling.

"Well, it's not like i'll go with them again anyway. I changed already right?"

I smiled at him and nodded.

"Well, that's true."

After all that happened in the past.. I'm sure he would never repeat his mistake again.. because it's him...

I'm sure...


Oh wow! Look who updated! It's the stupid author of this fanfic!!




I'm sorry for not updating for a hundred years...
I was busy with school and comics😅😅

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