First Date?

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It was 8:15 in the chilly Sunday morning. Manami walked out of her room and did her morning routines. She went downstairs and fed
Kuro. The little kitten seemed to be happy eating the food she gave him.

'Soooo cute she thought'

"Good morning Nami-chii" Makoto greeted, sitting in front on the table, sipping coffee.

"Ah, onii-chan. You don't have work today? " she smiled

"Yeah. And Akari went off on her own to to some anime convention."

Manami sweatdroped.

"Ahahaha...." she took a carton of milk from the fridge and poured some in her glass. She sat parallel to her brother.

"U-umm... I have something to tell you.... Onii-chan.."

"About Akabane? "

"Yes.. Yeste- EH?! How did you know????"

"Who do you think I am, Manami?"

"Uhm... eto.... My brother, Okuda Makoto right?" She laughed nervously.


"Ahaha..." she akwardly looked away.

"Hmmm~If you're gonna ask if it's ok with me, I guess it's fine. I trust him.... A little " he gave her a genuine smile.

'My brother.... really knows me doesn't he'

"T-thankyou onii-chan."

"Hmmm~ But"

"Hm?" Manami tilted her head to the side

Makoto's smile turned into an evil grin

"But if he hurts you, I'll beat the shit outta him and break all the bones in his body, then snap his neck lastly. I'll murder him 1000 times using a machine gun and a chainsaw Then feed him to those so-called-titans or ghouls"

"O-onii-chan..... t-that's"

"Only if he hurts you." His normal expression returned.

Manami just giggled at the  overprotective brother of hers.

"Thankyou for trusting us... Onii-chan "

Her phone suddenly vibrated.

From Karma:

Good morning 😘 how is my girlfriend doing? 😉

She blushed at the sudden message she received.

"Akabane? " her brother questioned, not looking away from the newspaper.



👿 Wanna go out on a date?

'What??!!! A date??? She internally screamed'

👓 sure.... when?😶

👿 today? If you're free



Makoto glanced at Manami.  Her hands were shaking and her face was flushed red.

"What, a date?" He suddenly spoke up

"W-wahhh onii-chan!  How did you know?!" She replied back, hiding her face.

"Well, your face says it all."

'Am I that obvious?! Or onii-chan is just a telepath?!!!'


"You can go. I won't get in your way Manami.  I promise" he said smiling

"Th-thankyou onii-chan.."

"Wait. Lemme borrow ur phone for a sec"

Manami lent her phone to her brother. She suddenly became nervous. 'Wait... what will he do with it?!' He typed something and then handed it to Manami. Manami was utterly confused when the message box was blank. She just shrugged it off.


👓 ok... onii-chan allowed us to😶

👿 then a date it is😁


Soon after, the doorbell rang. Manami opened the door and found Karma leaning by the gate post, wearing a black hoodie with a simple white polo inside and black jeans.
Manami just admired how handsome he looked.

Karma noticed this and chuckled

"Take a picture, it'll last longer"

Manami shook her head vigorously and waved her hands in dismissal.

"N-no!! It's n-not l-like that.... I-I was j-just---"

Karma laughed again and walked to her. He pinched her cheeks and she stopped.

"Just teasing ya. You're too cute" he then let go off her cheeks and patted her head.

Timeskip brought to you by
Bakugou Katsuki!!!!!

They were walking by the halls of a mall when Manami saw the shop where she and her friends got the strawberry pudding. She tugged on Karma's sleeve and asked him if they could go inside the cafe. Karma agreed. They were greeted by a brunnette with bubbly antennae

"Ah, welcome back Okuda-san." He said

"Oh, Isogai-kun. Good morning "

"I see that you're with Karma... table for two?"

Karma just smiled and nodded. He was happy to see his former classmate in 3E. Isogai led them to a table near a glass door. They could see the great view of the city they live in. Manami ordered a strawberry puuding and suggested the same to Karma. After the eating at the cafe, they walked around and entered an arcade. They played together for a while, and Karma won Manami some prizes. He even invited her to play DDR, but got turned down instantly.

"But why??" He said pouting

"B-because... It's really embarrassing..."

"Ok then how about that?" He pointed at the picture booth.

Manami agreed. It would capture a special moment for them after all. They entered the booth and got  some funny costumes on. Karma put on glasses with a fake nose and mustache dangling on it and manami put on the same thing. Next, Karma put on some afro wig and Manami was already wearing googly eye glasses. On the third picture, Manami lifted a maid's hairdress and looked at Karma.

"Manami. Don't you dare."

They laughed at each picture they take. As for the last picture, he had an idea. He took off their accessories and then hugged her. He rested his chin on her shoulders and  kissed her cheeks.


Manami went bright red, seeing the last picture.


"Heh~ nice photo doncha think?" Karma smirked.

"Y-yeah... I guess"

Their date continued as theyy walked around the mall, occasionally stopping by some food booths. After some time, which seemed like forever for some people, they decided to go home. It was 5:40 afterall. It's getting dark and chilly outside.  They were walking down the dark pathway when 5 tall and menacing men appeared.


Wooops.... I'm really sorry if I took soooooooooooo long to update! School is being a bishsnehegsghwj           and..... writer's block.....

I promise that the next chapter won't take soo long!! Bye😊

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