My Feelings

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Manami's POV

I woke up at 5:35 in the morning. It's cold.... well it makes sense.  It's November afterall. Winter is coming...

Since I can't go back to sleep, I went inside the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I recalled the events that happened last Wednesday.


He was my very close friend in middle school. I miss the times when we play around in class 3E, with Korosensei and the others. When he would ask me to whip up chemicals for his pranks on terasaka and Korosensei... I enjoyed those moments.

Wait.... I'm taking to long brushing my teeth...

I gargled and rinse. I walk back to my room and lay down on my bed.

For the past few days... I can't stop thinking about him. I really wonder why..... I enjoy his company. I smile more when I'm with him. It makes me happy just bejng with him... hanging out with him....  When I'm with him, my heart pounds in my chest harder than it usually does. I feel like having butterflies in my stomach when he smiles. What are these strange feelings. Do I ..... like him?

I was lost in my thoughts when the rain started pouring down. Along with the sound of water droping, I heard a feint sound of a kitten.


I opened my window to search for the kitten. After searching for a few seconds, I saw a black kitten sitting on the tree branch near my window.. poor kitty.  I think it doesn't know how to go down and it's raining! Me, being an animal lover, went outside the house to save the kitty. I didn't bother using an umbrella and hurried to the tree. I climbed up and reached for the kitty.


There, there you're safe now little kitty... I petted it's head and it purred.

Awwww soooo cute~

I noticed that it had one white sock on it's front leg. Awww it makes him more adorable aling with his blue and green eyes.  Hmmmm.... I think I'll call you Kuro (黒). He purred again and climed up my sweater resting on the crook of my neck. You're so cute... I heard a knock.

"Nami-chii. Can I come in?"

"Sure Akari-nee"

She entered my room and slumped to my bed.

"What's wrong Akari-nee? You seem kinda down.."

"Yep. I am downnn... I miss Makoto."


"He's really busy... we hardly spent time together these past few weeks. Nami-chii.... Is he tired of me?"

"Huh?! W-what are you talking about nee-chan?! He loves you!"

She gave off a smile and hugged me.

"Haha! Yep. I know that!" She beamed.

Wow. Did her mood just change in a few seconds? Weird...

Oh, that reminds me. You have plans with that redhead friend of yours today don't you?

"Uh... yes..."

"Go get him girl!"

"Uh.... about that... Akari-nee.. can I ask you a question? "

"Hmmm? Sure! What is it?"

"What does it mean to... fall in love?

"Wahhhh my little Nami-chii is inlove!!!"

"N-no.... I'm n-not sure yet. I want to confirm my feelings...... that's why I'm asking"

"Oh.. ok.. lemme see.. Love..
Love is a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, that ranges from deepest interpersonal affection to simple pleasure."

"A-akari-nee.... th-that's.."

"Ahahaha! I'm just messin' with ya Nami-chii. For me, falling in love is... when you see a person for who he is. Not giving a single care on his social status, financial status or his mistakes and flaws. You enjoy his company and you like seeing him smile. When you accept him, care about him.... "

Seeing her explain about love... made me admire her more. She's really inspired about this topic.

"Ahaha, well you see... I can't really explain the feeling myself.... love.. It's just so mysterious.. You'll never know when it is coming your way. Or when you will feel it. It's just.... well.... You'll feel it before you even realize it. "

She gave me a warm smile after her short speech. And it made me realize  something..

I do like him...


I love him....

"Oh by the way... cute kitty"

Karma's POV

It's around  8:20 when I woke up. It's a Saturday morning. The day I asked Manami to hang out. I soon heard the doorbell ring. I got up from my bed. My hair was still messy but I decided to open it anyway.

"Yo Manami."


わ みんな!!!

ありがとう ぐざいます!!!

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